"I had people out looking for you, after I gain my respect and got in place. You know, my ex lover, helped me get myself clean. But I wanted his position. Just like I want yours."

I laughed at her, while I wiped my face wit my hands. That cryin over her, shit dead now.

"So u gone take yo own son out huh?"

"Well, you are in my way. You're the biggest thing around here. I just need you out of the picture, as well as your "New family" right? Isn't that what you call it?"

"Yea, cause they love me mo' than u ever did."

"Why did you even choose this place?"

"Y? Bringin' back too many memories fa u?"

"No. I just didn't think this would be the place you'd want to die. The place you grow up in." She shrugged.

"U mean u?"

"You're funny."

"Y u kill my child momma?"

"Oh, DeWayne. I wouldn't do such a thing." She said, grabbin' her chest laughin.

"Dat was yo blood too." I looked at her straight.

"Y u ain't give me an opportunity to be a betta parent den u? y u kill her momma?" My eyes got glossy.

"Dat was my lil girl. An innocent baby. I didn't do shit to u."

"Then u was gone turn the one girl, the love of my life, against me? U hate me dat much huh momma?" I let the tears fall once again.

"Oh please, DeWayne. Blue is pathetic. She isn't the girl for you. You needed someone like Kelly. Now, that's a girl for ya."

"Na. Aint another like Blue. She fixin' me, because of all the damage u caused. She makin' me a betta man every single day, and lovin' me more than anybody. She the best thing dat ever happened to me.

"And u took away her chance of bein' a betta momma to her child, den u ever was too me. Y?" I shook my head.

"Are you done?"

"You don't get the happy ending DeWayne. Let it go." She sighed dramatically.

"How's Boonett by the way? He's doing alright?" She smiled.

"Betta than ever."

"You sure? I know, Kelly took it a little too far. But I just couldn't help myself. That really worked out nicely didn't it?"

"I told her that she would make you all angry. That's the fun part of it though."

"How's Zellon and Milly too? I miss those funny people."

"U... gone regret it momma."

"Look DeWayne. I don't have time or nor the patience for this. Let's just get it over with." She called in her men and Kelly.

Kelly came in wearin' some tight ass dress, that look like it was cuttin off her damn circulation, then wit heals, and her ugly ass weave, with her fake ass jewelry on. Carol's men gathered' around them both.

"Wats dat pose to do?" I scrunched up my face.

"I was hoping Blue could see this moment. Ah man. I'll make her death extra special for you." She pulled out her gun.

"Who said Blue wasn't already here to kill you?" Blue came out from behind me, and picked at her nails too.

"Oh, hi Blue Blue!" Kelly smiled at her.

"Blue. Nice to see you again." Carol smirked.

Zel came out wit Milly, then Boon. Later came Dice, Moel, Trigs, and Ant.

"This is your crew? Wow DeWayne. Are you ready to die?"

"You die. I die." Blue looked up at me.

"It ain't gone come to dat baby." I kissed her forehead, lettin' my gun ring off.


Shots could be heard all through the old house.

I shot as best as I could. I shot at every man on her crew. I saved Kelly for Boon, and Carol for Deuce. To bad that they both ran off and was no where to be found in this moment.

Everybody was stuck shooting at her men, that didn't seem like they would ever die. Me and Millan hid behind old couches, like Deuce told us to.

I threw Deuce my gun, so I could reload his. During the process, it seemed like the men just wouldn't stop coming.

I got up, shooting whoever I could once again. I yelled for Deuce, who was being dragged out by one of the guards. I shot the guy, but it didn't make him let him go.

I shot and shot as well as everybody else on our side, killing them all, and then realizing that Boon was laying there fighting for his life with blood all over his body.

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