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The next morning, they returned to the motel room to clear up and grab their things, Morgan had managed to convince Dean to let her go to the diner alone to grab them all some breakfast, after last night he wasn't going to give her much freedom.

"So, are you gonna keep me in suspense or what?" Sam asked, looking at his older brother with a small grin.

"About what?"

"Who was it, Bach or Simpson?" Sam asked as if it was obvious, there was a slight pause before Dean replied.

"Neither." He muttered, which caused Sam to pull a face, disbelieving his older brother. But he just shrugged it off and carried on what he was doing, before Dean finally spoke up. "It was Morgan."

"Does that surprise you?" Sam asked, zipping up his bag and placing it behind Dean onto the table.

"It doesn't surprise you?" Dean asks with a grimace, turning to face his brother.

"Honestly?" Sam replied.

"Honestly." Dean said, his eyebrows furrowed. "You seriously think that Morgan is still my deepest darkest desire?"

"She isn't?" Sam asked, confused as to why his brother was denying it so much when it was obvious.

"No." Dean stated.

"Why?" Sam asked. "Because you think it makes you weak that you might actually love someone Dean?"

"Yeah, actually." Dean replied. "It does."

"No Dean, it doesn't. It makes you human. And if you think i'm gonna judge you for that." Sam said, and Dean sighed in response. "Just how bad is it?"

"When I'm around her, something happens. I can't explain it, call it love or desire whatever you want. I'm screwed man." Dean explained to his little brother. "And I don't know what to do."

"You're not supposed to know Dean." Sam told him. "You've been through this before and you lost her, don't let it happen again."

"I promised her if she had to die I would be the one to do it, but I can't. But when it comes down to it."

"I got it Dean." Sam replied in a small voice, not wanting to have to but he would for her and for his brother. With that, Dean exited the room and Sam let out a long breath that he didn't know he had been holding.


Once Morgan had arrived back at the motel, the brother's were waiting for her in the Impala, and so she climbed into the backseat and handed the boys their food, she had already eaten hers on the way, her hunger getting the best of her.

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