Chapter 22: Trainee Schedule..

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"So your style," Park Jin Young-nim started.

We stood in a line with out hands holding our own hands. Back straight. Face forward. Respectful.

"Is Hip hop, b-boy," he continued.

When we heard b-boy, Semra unni quickly crushed Luis oppa's foot. Some of us giggled.

"R&B, pop, and kpop." He read off our profile.

"Yes," Ahna unni answered.

"The style is like the Got7 sunbaenims don't you think?" He asked.

"We do have the same hip hop style but I wanted ours to be more fun, crazy, free, uncontrollable, unstoppable, misfits concept." Aiden oppa said.

"Misfits? Like delinquent concept? I dont know what to ask you first. How you know so much about these kinds of things at such a young age or Are you requesting me for a concept for you when you just became a trainee," JYP said.

"For the first question, I know a lot because my dad is the Got7's manager and I learned from him few times,"

JYP nodded his head, "Really? Tae No Young-ssi?"

"Yes. For the second question, it's a half and half. We're not telling you what our concept should be but we're telling you what we look like and fit," Aiden oppa said.

"Fit? Wait... Are you thinking about debuting with the whole group like this? A whole group of boys and girls mixed?" JYP asked.

We stopped staring straight and looked at him.

"We're not? Why?" Semra unni asked.

"Groups out there are either a boy group or a girl group. You can't have boys and girls together," he explained.

"Well let us be the first group of boys and girls. They may be girls but they're as tough as us," Aiden oppa fought.

"She's stronger than me!" Kaein oppa pointed to Ahna unni. She can only smile.

"Debuting means you all starts living in a dorm. Are you expecting me to let you boys and girls living in the same house?" He asked. I wonder if he's mad because we talked back. His voice sounds calm though.

"That's them. Groups out there are people who don't know each other and have to put in a group and live together. We're friends. Best friends ever since 9 grades. Our bonds are stronger and we're comfortable to each other," Aiden oppa suddenly stopped and took a breath, "Don't worry. None of us will like each other. There won't be scandals around our group." He stated.

JYP smiled, "You do know a lot. Alright, I'll think about it. Next thing," he continued, "I don't know how long you're going to be trainees for but, I want you all to work hard and your best because you're already famous---"

"I-- wouldn't say we're famous," Nelson oppa cut in, "Only some local people know us from watching the show,"

"No?" JYP denied, "You guys got a fan-base already."

"What!?" We all yelled.

"Fan base?" I asked.

"Yeah.. Don't you know? They used the name as Number6 and all of your names are on it," he explained.

"Really!?! How many members?" Sora asked.

"Last time I checked it was about 600 members," he remembered.

"Woah...." We amazed.

"The fans know you guys are my trainees now," he said.

"What? Really? We just got in yesterday," Kaein oppa shocked.

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