"come on let's go!" he said clapping his hands. Well, that didn't last long.

"oh but you haven't seen the girls yet, they have missed you" Grace complained.

"why don't you come to Jaynes House tonight with the girls. We could all have dinner?" Connor suggested.

"that would be great Con" Grace beamed.

I watched as Connor grimaced at the nickname.

"are you sure that it's safe Connor?"
I said feeling nervous. I watched him look at Hank for a moment. Something was werid between them. I eyed them both suspiciously.

"everything OK?" I asked.

"yes fine! Now can we please go" kamski yelled shoving a piece of paper into Grace's hand. "this is the address. If you get lost its your own fault" he continues ushering us out of the door. I called my goodbyes before Kamski slammed the door shut.


We pulled up to a construction site on the south side of town, Kamski directed Hank to drive around the back. 

"where are we?" I said confused, Kamski turned around from the front seat and smiled at me. 

"you will see".

We got out of the car. Kamski walked over to a service elevator. We joined him. He closed the shutters and typed in a long string of numbers. It took a moment, but the elevator shuddered into life taking us below ground down a long metal shaft.

"so this is where you have been hiding yourself" Hank tutted leaning against the elevator side.

"after I burned my house down, to keep Zeltaid from stealing any of my research. I purchased an underground bunker. Its where I have been staying, well me and Chloe" he sighed smiling to himself.

"won't Zeltaid be able to find you through the property deeds?" Connor asked.

"payed in cash. Untraceable" he replied

Connor looked at me and gave me a doubting face. I slipped my hand into his giving him a peck on the cheek. He smiled back at me, kissing the back of my hand.

The elevator dinged.

"shit" kamski said to himself "I actually forgot to mention something-"

Before he could finish his sentence the doors slide open and Kamski was enveloped in a pair of strong arms. I felt an all too familiar rage brim up as I looked into a pair of Grey eyes.

I lunged at the RK900, only to be pulled back to reality by Connor.
The rage dispersed itsself as I watched the RK900 cower away from me, curling himself up into a ball.

"Jayne, Connor, Hank. I would like you to meet Carter" Kamski said stepping out of the lift bringing the Android now know as Carter up onto his feet



I watch the android-- Carter, pore tea into a cup and hand it to Jayne. He flinched away nervously when she took it from him.

"its ok, I'm sorry. I won't hurt you OK?" Jayne reached out for him he smiled shyly, meeting my gaze. He cocked his head to the side smiling at me with a stupid childlike grin.

We all listened as Kamski explained that he had repaired the RK900 when he had taken him from Jaynes House that night. He tried to retrieve his memory but there wasn'tuch useful.

"He didn't have the heart to shut him down" I woman's voice said, I turned seeing the Chloe android standing in the door way. She made her way over to Kamski and draped her arms over him.

"we turned him Deviant, and kept him around. He's been helping me with the lab reports and such"

Carter shifted uncomfortably.

"I just want to help. I, am sorry too Jayne for what I did. It was not very appropriate" Carter stuttered.

"don't worry about it. I'm sorry I, erm well you know"

"killed me?" Carter answered Jayne nodded suddenly Carter gave Jayne a sideward bear hug.

"its ok Jayne. I forgive you!" Carter said squeezing Jayne tightly. Jaynes eyes widened after a second a smile broke on her face.

"you can let go no Carter" she chuckled. The android removed himself

"my apologies Jayne. I'm still finding human interactions difficult"

"Carter why don't you show everyone to the lab so we can get started on Jaynes test"

"of course, follow me everyone" Carter said placing his arms at his sides.

"is it like looking In to a mirror Connor?" Hank joked as we where walking behind Connor.

"I don't know what you mean."i said jaw clenched Hank couldn't be insinuating that me and Charter were alike in anyway. Apart from some facial features we where completely different.

" come on, he's exactly like you. It's like your twins, your the same"Ha k chuckled

"we are not the same" both myself and Carter said at the same time.

"I, actually like to think of you as a big brother of sorts. I hope to learn a lot from you" Carter shuffled embarrassed he opened the lab and let us in.

"that's lovely Carter, isn't it Connor?" Jayne said looking to me. I didn't respond until Jayne nudged me in the side

"yes it's, wonderful. I will answer any questions you might have " I muttered quickly.

"really?" Carter's grey eyes lit up.

Oh dear what had I done.


Sorry for any delay guys. Currently having issues with my Internet connection. Some actual cretin has messed with the under ground cables apparently. Bastards. Currently posting from a Starbucks in town. Hope everyone's week is going better than mine!

Peace ✌️

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