"A man is at the door for you, Daniel." She said with a smile. Her usually mane of naturally curly hair straightened.

"That must be my dad," I said before standing up. He was here to pick me up.

"Wait, when the fuck did your dad come back into the picture?" Levi said nearly tumbling out of his seat.

"Recently, it's kind of a long story," I said as I walked towards the stairs.

"You can't just leave on a cliffhanger like that! You can't just drop a bomb and walk away." Michael complained.

"I've got to go, he's waiting," I explained with ease. Honestly, I wasn't really ready to explain everything to them right now.

"Maybe, We'll find out in the sequel," Azeem said excitedly.

We all turned to him in confusion.

"I literally have no idea what the fuck he is ever talking about," Levi complained. I laughed.

"See you guys later," I said with an eye roll as I walked upstairs. A chorus of byes followed me.

Even though I hated them half the time, I was seriously gonna miss those guys.

I walked outside to see my dad waiting for me in his car.

I got in the passenger seat.

"Did everything go okay?" He asked me curiously.

I snorted. "Yeah, it was pretty normal," I said with a fond smile.

"That's great." He said sounding genuinely happy for me.

In the short time, I've had to know my father, I've learned he isn't so bad. Sometimes, it's still kinda weird. But, I could tell he was trying and I appreciated it. It didn't make up for everything he had missed, but at least he was here now.

"Home?" He asked me taking his eyes off the road for a moment.

"Actually, can we stop at one more place? There's still someone I need to see." I asked hopefully.

He smiled. I gave him the directions and in 5 minutes we were parked in front of a familiar townhouse.

"Can you wait here? I won't be long." I asked. He nodded as he took out his phone to make a call. I quickly got out the car and ran up the house steps and rang the bell.

Not a moment later the door opened. It was Rebecca, she smiled sadly at me.

"Emma's upstairs." She said knowing why I came. I quickly ran upstairs. I stopped as I stood outside Emma's door.

It's scared me to think this might be one of the last times I see her for a while.

I knocked. "Come In," She yelled through the door.

I walked into the room. She turned towards me, she was smiling.

"Hey," I muttered as I tried to memorize her face.

Her smile dropped, before coming back smaller.

"Hi." She said slowly.

There was a silence as neither of us knew what to say.

Here goes nothing- "You're leaving." Emma said speaking first.


"How did you know-"I started but she cut me off. "Devon texted Rebecca and Rebecca told me."

Damn, him.

Well, at least I don't have to worry about what I was gonna say anymore.

"I leave at the end of the week. Will you come to see me off?" I asked. I didn't want this to be the last time we spoke. I didn't want this to be our goodbye.

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