Chapter 26

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The disadvantage about choices in life is that once you choose something, you can't go back to explore the other choice most of the time. Making a second choice is as rare as second chances in life. So, when you're faced with such a choice, what do you do? When this may be the only opportunity to get to know a secret so great, do you throw it away in pursuit of a friend whose trust you lost? Or do you completely let go of that friend and go in pursuit of the elusive truth? On one side, Haytham's hand reaches out to me; on the other- Alastair's receding figure. Which direction should I choose?

The truth can wait. I have gone for so long without hearing the truth, I can manage a few more minutes without hearing it. Besides, I would like the person who was the sole reason for my survival to be with me as well when I learn about this truth. I grabbed onto Haytham's extended hand and pulled him along with me towards Alastair.

"Jane, you're going the wrong way!" Haytham shouted but I turned a deaf ear to them. When I reached the spot where I had last seen Alastair, he was nowhere to be found!

I hope he didn't get up those trees!

Looking up, I could see the dazzling sunlight pouring down the canopy of leaves and illuminating the dirt pathway. There was something imprinted on the pathway. It looked like shoe prints- Alastair's shoe prints!

"Jane, just where are you going?" Haytham asked with his irritated tone indicating his impatience with me.

"I'm looking for Alastair"

Haytham's irritated expression turned into one of a perplexed nature.

"Mr. Reed? But, Jane! The Patron is here after all these days! This is your opportunity to know about your parents, your only one maybe!"

"Do I look like I don't know that?" I asked with tears brimming in my eyes.

"I just have to find him Haytham. I fear something bad will happen to him if I don't. So, you see-"

I was cut off as Haytham shushed me and pointed at a direction. There was smoke rising above the treetops!

Oh no, could it be them?

Haytham and I ran towards the direction of the smoke with all we had.

I just hope we aren't too late!

Soon, the air started to become dense with smoke and it became harder and harder to breathe. The trees were all lit like flaming torches and embers floated everywhere.

"Alastair! Are you here?" I screamed with my dry throat, coughing furiously after I did.

"Jane, don't do that! You'll just make it worse!" Haytham said with his hand-muffled voice.

My whole body could feel the heat of the burning embers and I was sweating profusely. If only there was rain or something. We continued to plod through the burning forest searching for Alastair. With the forest burning up at this rate, he could die! Occasionally a tree or branch would fall our way but Haytham managed to clear the blockade or cut a new path proficiently with his powers. However, I could see that it was physically draining him as well.

But I can't just leave him!

"Jane, we should go back." Haytham spoke in a low hoarse voice. He looked like he was about to break. I was crawling by now, barely able to move, much less- talk.

"But- we can't- leave him here! Look- at all the flames!"

"We will die before we find him!"

"But Haytha-"

"Ah! Forget it!" He cut me off. He knelt down to the ground, taking deep breaths. It looked like he was summing up energy; but energy to do what? He beckoned me towards him and I knelt down beside him.

"We need to go to- higher ground"

Higher ground?

An idea struck me like lightning! Maybe Alastair thought of the same thing! Maybe Alastair is up in the sky, looking at the flames! I nodded to show my consent.

"You need to- come a little closer"

I scooted a little closer.


I scooted in further. He shook his head, making me feel like an idiot. Suddenly, without warning, he pulled me close and hugged me.

"This is close"

"This is way too close" I shrieked and his face turned crimson.

"Don't take it in the wrong context. I'm doing this to save you"

"Sure doesn't look like it though"

His face turned a deeper shade of crimson.

Wow, are the flames that hot that he's changing colours like a chameleon?

"Ju-just shut up!" He coughed furiously pounding his chest with his fist a couple of times. Still hugging me with one hand, he closed his eyes and started concentrating really hard that lines appeared on his forehead. The earth below us started to shake crazily as if there was an earthquake.

Just what is he doing?

He shot open his ochre eyes and looked up to the sky. The ground below us started to move as it rose up towards the sky. Fifty feet- no, a hundred feet! That was how tall the ground had risen up. But it was like a steep pillar of rock. There was barely enough space for both of us to sit comfortably.

So this was why he pulled me into a hug!

I took a small peak down to see how far we had gone. That can be chalked up as another stupidest move of mine as I grew pale with fright! I clutched Haytham like he was my little rag doll from when I was a small girl and didn't budge despite his protests.

Suddenly, a ball of fire came whizzing towards us! Haytham deflected it by summoning a life-size rock from the ground in lightning speed. The fireball hit the rock and burst into flames engulfing the rock as it fell back down to the ground.

The fire-conjurers must be here! If they are still alive, then what happened to Alastair?!

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