Chapter 12

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I walked on the grassy pathway leading to an unknown place. It had been a week since I last saw Mrs. White or Al.

I wonder how they are doing right now.

I did not know what I was doing nor did I know where I was going. I was lost, as usual.

"I hope I find a place to stay before the sun sets" I said looking at the orange-red sky. Walking a bit farther, I saw a small pool of water. I developed the habit of talking to myself as I found it a way to preserve my sanity.

"This would do"

"Now to get dinner and firewood"

I took my hand-carved stone knife and hoped that there were any small creatures nearby, so I could go on a hunting spree. After three hours, I found some berries and firewood. It was so shameful to say that I haven't caught a rabbit or ate anything with flesh for a week.

Even fish seems to elude me!

Sighing, I made myself cosy under a tree near the small pool. After my very light meal, I drifted off to a deep dream.

"Run Jane! Don't stop" a voice shouted from behind.

I turned back to see the person who had yelled that warning. It was my father!

"Keep up with me, father!" I replied in my loudest panicked voice, while reaching out a hand to him.

"Arrrrghhhh!" my Father's cry echoed through the silent forest.

"No! Father!" I cried as tried to grab his fingers but they were enveloped by an unfathomable darkness.

"Don't stop Jane! Beware of them! I Love Yo-" he was engulfed completely.

"No!" I screamed and wailed.

"Do not give up Jane! It was a lie!!" I heard my mother's voice from another direction.

"A lie? I don't understand. Mother?"

There was pitch black silence. Suddenly the floor started to crumble and inside I fell into a blinding white light. When I opened my eyes, I could see the clear night sky.

"Was it, a dream?" I whispered into the night, panting hard as the sweat trickled down my forehead.

"More like a nightmare" a voice replied from some trees behind me.

"Who is there?" I asked, very cautiously, assuming a defensive stance with my knife instantly.

Don't tell me that the Royal Soldiers of the Capital had found me already?

As the smouldering embers from the fire which was diminished from the wind cackled, I tried to adjust my eyes to the darkness surrounding the trees. I could make out a tall and lean frame darting above the trees. That figure jumped down into a nearby bush, rustling leaves like a strong wind. A tall man emerged from the shadows. His muddy brown colour hair was shown blackish for his pale complexion and his ochre eyes glinted in the moonlight. A small arrogant smile crept up to his face after seeing me.

"So, you are the famous Jane Summers, huh?" he asked in an I'm-not-impressed tone.

"You did not answer my question. Who are you? How did you know I was having a nightmare?" I shot at him, still not lowering my weapon. He noticed the glinting weapon in my hand and merely gave a low arrogant chuckle and replied in a haughty tone.

"I am known as The Silent Assassin. I was watching you sleep. By your horrific expressions I deduced that you had a nightmare"

The Silent Assassin? Was he a killer sent to execute me? I slowly backed away.

I'm not that crazy to take on an assassin single-handed!

Seeing my reaction he burst out laughing. He even rolled on the grassy floor unable to contain his laughter.

What was so funny?

"Y-you honestly think I-I'm here to kill you?" he said between successive laughs. I put on an annoyed expression.

How long was he going to laugh at me?

"Stop laughing!" I bellowed, unable to contain my fury. He took great pains to control his laughter by taking deep breaths and clutching his stomach. After what seemed like an eternity he stopped finally. He went on to explain after noticing my impatient deathly gaze.

"If I wanted to kill you, I would have done so when you were sleeping. I am here to protect you. To make sure that The Forbidden Destiny should not be set into motion"

Take care of me? The Forbidden Destiny? He must have hit his head on a willow tree!

"Okay Mr. Silent Assassin person, I am just, going to go away now" I said and turned my back to him, walking away quickly.

"Wait!" he shouted and grabbed my arm with a steel grip.

"You have to let me come with you" he protested.

"Not in this lifetime!" I said and pulled my hand off his, simultaneously placing my knife near his throat.

"Now, you will go! Disappear before I have to use this!" I said in a low threatening voice. He merely smirked, not even flinching when the crude metal touched his pale skin. Taking a leap back, he disappeared into the thickets.

Well, that was weirdness beyond comprehension.

Suddenly, I got the wind knocked out of me. Someone had pushed me and I hit my head hard on the cold grassy floor. I let out a small cry, hallucinating stars flying around my head. I was shocked when that Assassin guy actually pinned me down on the ground, keeping my hands in check behind me. He took my knife and flung it towards the trees, embedding its blade in a tree's bark.

"What are you doing?" I screamed at him as his grip was so forceful, I could hear my bones crack!

"I had been waiting for this day for a very long time. It is my destiny to accompany you. No one will deny me my destiny! Not even you!" he bellowed as he got up and dragged me up along with him.

"So I am coming with you whether you like it or not "he added in a whisper so soft like a feather, laced with threat. He then caught my hand and pulled me deeper into the jungle.

What was I going to do?

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