Chapter 3 Part II

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My head was up in the clouds while I was leading those two to the throne room. Why had I saved her from that jerk? But, more importantly, was she subjected to such violence every day?

I feel bad for her now. It's all because of Lucy!

Looking back using my peripheral vision, I can see William sulking as he walked and Jane- why is she so preoccupied? What is she thinking with such a confused look? 

Maybe it was a mistake to stand up for such an air-head as her.   

Seeing that confused preoccupied look irked me more. She and I are nothing alike! I do not walk the hallways with my head up in the clouds. Even if I did, it was not as intense as her! Reaching the door to the throne room, the guards stationed before it bowed down and announced that only the Queen was inside.

That's the person I need to see anyway!

"Stay here" I barked a command to them, which made both William and Jane freeze. I stifled a laugh on seeing their plain expressions and entered the room. Inside, Mother was sitting on the throne and the lead General Alexander was standing by her. The General gave a curt nod and went back to staring at a wall. He was never able to look at me in the eye.

I wonder why?

"Allen, so nice of you to come and visit your mother", a warm voice accompanied from a gentle expression from the Queen invited me in.

"The pleasure is all mine, your Highness" I said with a bow. Suddenly, the gentle expression vanished and a melancholic smile crossed the lips of the Queen.

"Allen, when it's just me and you, please don't be so formal"

"But, it is not just us, Your Highness"

"Oh! Alexander is not a third person, Allen!"

"It's okay Your Highness, he's right", whispered Alexander.

Queen Scarletta flushed red with anger, but restrained herself from verbally accusing me of my formality.

"So, what business do you have with me, to seek me out at this time of the day?" Queen Scarletta asked, in a much more formal tone.

"It's about the Head Leader of chore-"


"Yes, him."

"What about William?"

"He was physically and verbally abusing a maid in front of the palace gates. Please fire him for his inappropriate behaviour"

The queen let out a small chuckle and said,

"Speaking of inappropriate behaviour, why are you defending a commoner?"

I took a step back. I can't just say I did it because Lucy wasn't there, can I?

"S-she is not a commoner by birth, Mother!" I stuttered.

"Huh? Do you mean Jane?"


I can't believe it, even the Queen knows her. Just who is she? The Queen suddenly let out an evil smile and smirked. She seemed to be in a completely different world, thinking of something.

"Y-your Highness?" I asked to interrupt her thoughts. She regained her composure and cleared her throat.

"She is getting what she deserves"

"But Mother! Thi-"

"Why are you defending her? Don't tell me you have a soft spot for her?"

"No! It's nothing like that!"

"Then it would do you good if you keep quiet!"

"But Moth-"

"Don't speak another word Allen! My decision is final. Are they outside?"

I gave her a sullen nod. I was defeated. Mother will never take my side. Looking up to her, she had a smirk in her face and it looked like she was planning something.

"Allen, please remain silent when I am inquiring those two. Or else, I'll make sure that the date of that event is made sooner than the set day."

"Anything but that."

"Then it's done! Alexander, inform the guards to bring them in and you can leave to the training grounds later"

"As your wish, My Queen"

All I could do is hang my head low. Why am I so powerless? 

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