Chapter 7

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I was woken up from my deep slumber by the sound of crashing metal. Cautiously looking outside a broken window, I saw a metal pot rolling along with the wind.

That is odd. Was the storm that bad? 

Lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating the forest for a split second. The leaves looked silver as the raindrops reflected the light. Two shadows darted behind me but I was not able to see them as I was far too intrigued about the rolling pot, which had now come to a standstill. The fire crackled, inviting me to its cosy place. Glancing one last look at the pot, I went back to the warm embers of the fire.

"It must have been an animal" I thought out loud.

My numb hands were warmed by the crackling fire. Thunder struck outside the window, while the leaves rustled from a heavy wind. Time flew slowly. I had a sudden sense of danger and turned around only to see- a masked thug with a crude sword in his hand! Grinning widely at me, he raised his hands as if he was going to behead me. Somehow, I was able to retain my cool and acted fast.

Not going to happen, not this time!

I ran between his legs (thank God I have a small body) and pushed him down to the fireplace. He turned to catch me but I jumped back, landing a kick on him. He ended up sitting on the fire.

"YEEOOUUCCCHHHH!!!!!" His wail echoed through the cottage.

Ouch. That must've hurt. But he did deserve it!

"Serves you right for sneaking up on me!" I said, while laughing heartily, failing to realize that I wasn't out of danger yet!


My consciousness was lost, after hearing that noise and a numbing pain resonated in my head.

After a while, I slowly opened my eyes. Everything was blurry and I had a severe head ache. I blinked twice and looked around. I was shocked to see that the man who I had pushed into the fire earlier was knocked out on the wall opposite to me! Rolling over to one side because I was tied with ropes, I also saw a man in a black cape fighting a lean masked thug. That man in the cape, why do I have a feeling that it was Al? The man in the cape sent the lean thug flying with a kick to his stomach. The thug toppled near the other one and passed out. The man in the cape slowly turned to me.

What just happened?

The man in the cape knelt down near me.

"Al?" I asked in a soft whisper.

"No, I am the Lochness monster. Of course it is me!" he explained dramatically.

"What happened?" I asked, showing my bound hands.

"Those thugs were going to sell you to the slave market. Lucky for you, I was nearby. I came here after hearing a shrieking wail"

"That was that other thug, when he fell in the fire" I started to explain.

"Just let me finish!" he snapped.

"Okay" I said in a quite tone and sat still while he explained and simultaneously, undoing my bounds.

"I was passing by this way since the river is flooded and cant be crossed. And then I heard that wail. When I came to the cottage, you were passed out on the floor and those thugs were talking about selling you to the black market. So I-"

"So you beat them up because you actually care about me?" I said, feeling a little hopeful.

"No, no, no!" he said with wide eyes and a flustered face.

"You misunderstood! I beat them up because they were thugs, enemies. That had nothing to do with you. "

That mean jerk! He had not changed at all!

"Ah, I see. Thank you ", I said and got up to leave.

"Are you not coming with me?" He asked, with a quizzical look.

"I can tell when I am a nuisance. Thank you for your time" I said in a flat tone which implied a big fat no.


"What?" I asked, irritated. I was clearly done with him and his indifference. Everyone treated me the same way all my life. I should stick to Father's words and stand up; regain my pride.

"I am sorry. I should have helped you" he said in a quiet tone. He actually looked like a scolded puppy with his head drooping so low! Seeing him that way, my stern gaze softened a bit.

The Prince had also stood like that, because of me.

"It is all right. I will not hold grudges against you. May you flee safely".

I left into the night. Tears streamed down my cheeks. I wiped them off and looked up the sky. Though the storm had lightened up, a drizzle still persisted.

"Mom, Dad, Mrs. White, I will come back. Just wait for me." I whispered into the night sky and left without looking back.

I walked on the damp grassy floor, looking over to the horizon. Walking through the night, my legs dragged along the floor as I slowly made my way. The sky showed signs of sunrise. I quickened my pace and climbed on a mound. There I viewed a glorious sunrise.

"How beautiful!" I exclaimed.

That view brought back memories of how my parents and I used to watch the sunrises and sunsets when we went hiking in the mountains. Such lovely memories, only if they could have lasted some more.

Looking around, I had absolutely no idea where I was. How would I ever get back home? Just when I was blaming my horrible sense of direction, I found a pathway behind a few trees! After two hours along that path, I finally saw a carriage! I waved my arms frantically and shouted,

"Please wait!!!"

The carriage pulled to a stop some feet away from me.

"Please take me to the Capital!" I begged.

"This baby ain't goin' that a-way miss", a burly old man with a hat replied.

"Then where are you going Mr.?"

"Name's Terry Jones"

"I am Jane Summers"

"This baby is headed towards Bristol" he informed me.

"Then please take me to Bristol" I pleaded.

"Hop in lad "he said with a chuckle.

Bristol- isn't that where Al said he was heading? Perhaps I may not see him, perhaps I will. Only fate knows what it has in store for me, but that made my rather monotonous life, quite interesting. I did surely have quite an adventure. I wonder what would be waiting there for me in Bristol.

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