Chapter 27

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The fireballs came at us with full force and the only thing I could do is to clutch onto Haytham like a little kid. Haytham's exhaustion was clearly evident as he panted for breath and sweat dripped from his forehead. His ochre eyes darted about, trying to sense the direction in which the next fireball would come, trying to concentrate. The ground was covered by a thick layer of smoke which masked the fire-conjurers. Staying up above the ground seemed to be more dangerous than those fumes down on the ground.

"Haytham, let's go down!"

"Are you crazy?"

"Do you want to be turned into a crisp?"

Haytham frowned but he clearly understood what I meant. He gave a gentle nod and looked at me.

"Jane, no matter what happens, I'll protect yo-"

"No, Haytham. I'm done being protected. It's my turn to help you. I'm turning myself in."

"What?! No n- I can't allow you to do that"

I smiled warmly at him and spoke in a calming voice.

"It's alright. You need to stay alive because you're the one who can track them down and rescue Alastair"

Suddenly, another fireball came whizzing towards us and instinctively I pushed Haytham down and jumped off the earth pillar!


Our downward descent was filled with both of our screams. As we fell to our impending doom Haytham started spouting gibberish about angles! Why would he even need to think about angles at such a time? Did he completely lose it?

"Angle yourself towards me, Jane!"

Oh, he meant that!

I stopped waving my hands frantically trying to imitate a bird and tried to face Haytham who was trying his best to fall in line with my level. It was like we were performing acrobatics, just without the restraints. Finally, Haytham grabbed my feet and pulled me towards him. Instinctively, I kicked him off!

My instincts are going to be the death of me!

Haytham went spinning round and round like a tornado and he was descending at an alarming rate! I remembered how eagles would just dive in for the kill and I imagined myself to be the eagle. Pulling in my hands and putting up my feet together and inclining my body in Haytham's direction, I finally managed to pick up my descending speed. When I finally reached Haytham and pulled his hand towards me, I noticed that he was passed out!

Seriously?! Did I hit his head? I can't believe this is how I'm going to die!!

I closed my eyes tightly embracing my imminent death and started a countdown to my doom.

"Five... Four... Three... Two... On-"


I can't breathe! Is that water?

Suddenly, Haytham and I realized that we were in a compact water bubble floating mere inches from the ground! What was going on? The water bubble burst and we plopped to the ground. Immediately, I checked upon Haytham to see if he sustained any injuries. He was passed out cold- too cold. Then someone pushed me aside and knelt down beside him. It was Evelyn. Tears streamed down her face and it was the first time I ever saw her this way. She placed a hand over his nose and her auburn eyes grew wide with fear.

"He's not breathing... He's not breathing!" she yelled, panic shadowing her voice. She turned and looked at me with hatred and rage.

"It's all because of you!" She said as she got up and came closer to me, towering over my crouched self who was crawling back.

"I-I'm sorry I-"

"He was always chasing you! He was always thinking about your well being and you- you just use him as your shield! People are not tools!" Saying that she raised her hand and created a thin metal rod out of nowhere!

My eyes did not widen because she apparently conjured up a metal rod but the fact that I saw Princess Bridget!

I would recognize that dappled golden hair anywhere! Why was she here?

She rushed towards us as graceful as possible and gently tapped Evelyn's shoulder while she was still gripping the rod tightly.

"We have to go Eve, now. The enemies can't be kept at bay for long"

"I'll take care of them Bri, I'm ready for this. I'll catch up to you later."

Saying so, she ran off into the fumes as we both stared at her receding silhouette.

Did she just address the princess as Bri?

"So, Miss Summers, would you help me move him?"

I meekly nodded as I pulled away from my confusion and got to my feet. I never knew Haytham was so heavy as both of us had to practically drag him away from the fumes. I was coughing and panting vehemently and I could soon see Princess Bridget turned so pale she looked like a ghost.

"I need... water" she spoke in a feeble voice. Only then did I realize that the atmosphere is slowly draining her of her water.

This is not good!

"It's just a little farther Princess Bridget, please keep walking"

I took on the sole responsibility of dragging Haytham by his feet as Princess Bridget lead the way. Suddenly, a burning tree fell before us, blocking our way.

"Now what do we do?" She cried helplessly, her tears matching her pale skin.

"Somebody please help!" I cried in my loudest voice before giving in to despair and sinking next to Haytham. She sobbed uncontrollably like a helpless child while I sat there watching the embers. I couldn't find Alastair, he may be dead by now. I should have prevented him from going into the forest. We didn't even get a chance to resolve our fight. And Haytham- I killed him too. Why does everyone around me keep dying?

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