Chapter 13

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After what seemed like hours, the assassin had finally stopped dragging me along with him and let go of my hand. He slowly turned and looked at me like I was prey.

"I wonder how you could be so horrible with directions." He said, breaking the silence.

"What? How did you know that?" I asked him defensively, taking a few steps back.

"I was keeping an eye on you, remember? Besides, you thought you were going west but you actually went east four times in a row! But that is good, you being directionally challenged." he said, deep in thought.

"How is that any good?" I asked, clearly hating my sense of direction. I was made fun of this by Al and now, him. There was only silence from him. His ochre eyes darted about, as his lips quivered.

"You stink!" he stated, point blank.

"I know. My sense of direction stinks!" I said hanging my head low, wishing to crawl down a deep dark hole.

"No. Not that. You stink literally!" he said and pointed at me. I took a sniff and he was right. I did have a certain odour hanging around me.

"It has been days since I got a proper bath" I sighed, thinking of the small wooden tub back home and the comfort it gave.

"And a change of clothes, dare I say" he added.

That sky blue dress was completely destroyed like my previous one. The ribbons on the sleeves were just threads hanging in a lifeless manner and there was a huge tear in the skirt all the way up to my knee. The frills on the top collar looked so beaten up and my apron, it was in shreds. Mrs. White would probably faint again if she saw her dress like this.

"Come with me" he said and dragged me away. After some heavy walking, we reached a clearing. Right in the middle, there was a beautiful clear lake shimmering in the sun!

"So beautiful!" I exclaimed.

"Now take a bath here" he said with a grin on his face, obviously self - satisfied.

"Well go on" he urged.

"Are you mentally challenged?"

"No. Why?" he asked in a confused tone.

"How do you expect me to take a bath with you watching?"

His face flushed scarlet.

"O-oh. I-I'm sorry. I'll come back in an hour!" he ran off.

Finally, some peace and quiet; and a good chance to escape!

After a very quick bath, I felt rejuvenated. Soon I fled the place in an opposite direction. Even though he said that he was there to protect me, who would be so foolish to believe an assassin?

After four hours of running and crashing and rolling, I arrived at a small village. The people were all mountain people. They were hardy and spoke in a blunt manner.

I better leave as soon as possible; should not draw attention to myself.

Keeping my head low, I pulled my tattered cape to my face and hid it. I then found a small shop which sold cheap clothes. Remembering that I had some money with me (the pay I earned slaving away in Bristol), I went in to get myself some decent clothes. I chose a white shirt with puffy long sleeves and a plain brown skirt to go with it. I was not able to get footwear as I spent every last penny.

I should make some then!

I tore my blue skirt into two pieces and wrapped them around my legs, using other strips to hold them in place. This way, some part of Mrs. White would be with me.

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