Chapter 15

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Trekking up above to the mountain cliff, the spot with the glorious view of the three beautiful cities, was not fun at all! I was bitten by innumerable bugs; it was a miracle that I was even alive! Compared to Haytham, I was in a much better position though. He was literally bugged by the bugs. They crawled all over and near him that I was scared to even walk within a ten meter radius of him. Those creatures included caterpillars, millipedes... was that a snake?

I am definitely not going near him! But the funny thing is, they're not biting him. Odd.

"Haytham, are you on good terms with all those creatures?"

"Most definitely not! I loathe them."

"But they seem to love you to death. They are even returning after you throw them away!"

"That's because..." he trailed off


"I can manipulate earth, and right now they are sticking to me because of my aroma release"

"Aroma release?"

"I can't control it, but it usually happens when I'm excited"

Wow, just when I thought he couldn't get any weirder.

"Please don't be excited" I said with a hand over my mouth, about to hurl any minute.

"Can you wait here a minute? I'll be back"

"Please come back without the bugs"

"That's the plan."

After a while since his disappearance, he reappeared completely free of those bugs. But I still walked with a ten meter radius away from him and I will continue to do so unless he gets a bath. We stopped for eating and then eventually we found a nearby lake where I ended up pushing him in with a stick. His shocked expression was priceless.

He should watch his back more; he's an assassin after all.

After begging me to apologize and me not apologizing, we went on the trek, finally reaching a clearing.

"We should camp here for the night. There are wild animals and travelling at night can be dangerous"

"But, we are almost there! Just a few more miles, then we can reach that place"

"I'm sorry Jane, but for today, give it a break"

That lazy guy! He just doesn't want to walk the few miles!

"Now, stay here and I'll get dinner"

As if I'll stay here.

Usually, it takes mere minutes for me to get lost, but this time I wasn't. I was right on path. It was like a map was engraved on my memory. But the odd thing is, I have been here just once. Oh well, as long as I don't meet any strange wildlife, I'll be fine! After three hours, I finally reached the cliff top- the spot where my parents and I stood ten years ago; when everything was beautiful and serene; when they were alive. Wiping off a tear from my cheek, I slowly walked up to the edge of the cliff. And the beautiful scenery of the three cities- The Capital, Bristol, and Arcanecia lighted up the view. The markets, the castle, the moat, the town square, all the places where I have been, they looked so little, so far away. It was just like my destiny which Father said to me before, greatness- so far away, out of reach.

What can a mere maid like me do to achieve greatness?

"Jane" a gentle voice floated through the woods. Turning back, I could see no one! Was it a ghost?

"Jane" came the voice again in another direction and when looked at, there was no one there as well!

"W-Who is it? Haytham?"

There was no response.

"Please don't play a prank on me. I'm sorry I pushed you into the lake!"

There was still silence, which was interrupted by a gentle but chilly wind.

"You do not recognize me, I see. But it isn't your fault, my little princess. It has been eight years after all"


"Yes, Jane. It's Mother."

My Mother was talking to me? It was too hard to believe, but that gentle voice, with the elegance of a flower, it was Mother. Tears clouded my eyesight as I chocked back soft sobs.

"I-I can't see you Mother, where are you?"

The gentle but chill breeze blew over me, ruffling my hair.

"I was always beside you, my princess. And I always will be. This is the time when you should stay strong Jane. You can resolve this conflict, I know you can"

"What conflict? Mother, I don't understand"

"Soon, you will. And when that time comes, trust no one but yourself. You and your friends, of course"

"But Moth-"

The chill breeze soon blew at an insane speed, knocking me off balance, making me hit my head hard on the floor. Soon my vision blurred until I could only see nothing but blackness.

When I regained consciousness, I saw the worried face of Haytham hovering over. Pushing him off in a flash, I looked around to see if Mother was still there; but she wasn't. She was gone.

"Jane?" Haytham asked, even more worried.

"I am fine, Haytham. Just a slight head ache"

"Please rest, you might have a concussion"

"I said I'm fine!" I snapped at him.

"Okay! There was no need to be rude. So, care to explain why you didn't follow my instructions and why you blacked out over here?"

"First of all, you are not my master, there is absolutely no need for me to follow your instructions" I said, still irked.

"Secondly, that-"

Trust no one.

"That is none of your business!"

Haytham's shocked expression brought pain to me. But my harshness was necessary. His face fell as he shook his brown hair.

"Fine, so be it. I can see why you can't trust me. It's all because of me being an assassin right?"

How did he even link up that with this?

"No, it's not that! You don't seem to share anything with me, so-"

His face suddenly turned crimson as he dropped his head even lower.

"So, it was because of that. You want to know why I became an assassin?"

Oh my, am I hearing things? Was he finally going to say it?

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