Chapter 10

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At night, a few hours before sunrise, I heard a voice call out to me,

"Wake up Jane! Wake up!"

I strained to open my eyes. When I finally opened them, I saw the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.

Was I dreaming? Or was she an angel descending from the heavens?

Her dappled golden hair shone brightly due to the moonlight. Her lily white skin had a golden tinge. She looked at me with her azure blue eyes and a melancholic smile.

"Are you Jane Summers?" she asked in a honey sweet voice.

"Y-yes "I stammered, smoothing down my ruffled hair. I was no match for this beauty, but that didn't mean that I shouldn't look presentable. She merely let out a small smile when she saw my attempts to make myself presentable and continued,

"I am Princess Bridget. I have come to rescue you"

"Rescue me?" I asked, perplexed.

"I know you are innocent. I cannot stand to see an innocent get hurt" she cleared me off my doubts. I was still wondering if that was the only reason as to why she was helping me. I gave her a weak smile, the best one I could afford now. She looked at me with those melancholic eyes and requested,

"Please stand back"

I did so and I watched the steel gates being covered with water. She could conjure water!

I should seriously stop being surprised with all these Mistiques!

Well, it was no wonder considering Bristol was famous for the Capital's water supply. Slowly, the water began to erode the material and a gap was formed. It was large enough for me to squeeze out.

"There is a horse carriage waiting for you near the moat. I will accompany you there. But first, put on this cape" she handed me a black cape.

The cape was strangely similar to Al's cape. I wanted to ask her why this particular kind of cape is popular with fleeing people, but I refrained, fearing that it was an unspeakable subject.

"How will I ever repay you?" I asked her quietly, not wanting to look like a thankless monster.

"You can repay me if you make Prince Allen run away or break our engagement "she said in a sarcastic tone interlaced with a melancholic air.

"You are engaged? To Prince Allen?"

I was clearly hearing things?

She nodded, making me stagger a few steps back. How did I not know of this? When I've been his maid for eight stinking whole years? Well, I don't really know much about him in the first place. Heck! I couldn't even see his face for all these years!

"Do you not like him? Do you fancy someone else?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me. Her face turned scarlet, indicating that I was right on spot- or not.

They were definitely forcing her.

The rest of our little trip was silent, but not awkward. We were actually enjoying the silence, till my ride came into view.

"Good luck! You will need it" she whispered, and waved me goodbye.

"Thank you for everything" I replied and went away into the starry night.

It took three and a half days to reach the Capital. The horse man took me to the far end of the city and dropped me off near a beaten path.

"If you follow this path, you will reach The Capital in a few hours. I am sorry I couldn't take you farther. I will now leave, miss" he bowed and left.

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