Chapter 3

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Gazing at the stars studded in the night sky, I contemplated on if I should attend the party downstairs. It would bring me unnecessary attention, as all subjects of various lands and a horde of women who were ready to please me were waiting for my arrival. It would be pleasant if they were actually interested in me and not my kingdom. But that wasn't the case. Looking down to the bustling city below, I couldn't help but sigh. 

Am I really the one who was going to rule this land?

A tender hand was placed over my shoulders and it brought me back to my senses. Turning around, I saw the familiar,wrinkled and beautiful face whose dull grey eyes looked at me with concern. 

"Mrs. White, what are you doing here?" I asked her with a smile. The smile was involuntary, like breathing. There was something about her; it always made me light up like a lamp.

"Your Highness, His Majesty and the Queen are expecting your arrival" she stated in a hurried voice.

"Lucinda, please drop your formal speech when you're with me. It makes me feel like I dont know you at all"

"Oh! I never meant it that way, child! I was just stating my business. Don't be offended. Besides, His Majesty and the Queen have already sent guards to look for you. I knew that you will lock yourself up in this tower so I'm here", she said in a half-scolding voice.

My smile came back. She was the one who helped me be who I am today. Without her, I would have crumbled to dust. 

"All right, since you insist on it, I'll be there. You have my word".

These parties are always the same. The music and dancing, the expectant eyes of women begging me to ask them for a dance, the simple but sinister look of the subjects plotting behind my back to bring me disgrace- nothing has changed. Nothing at all.

Slouching on my throne with a bored expression, I scanned the room until my eyes fell upon her. Since it was a party, she wasn't wearing her normal clothes but a pale pink dress with a frilled white apron around her like all the other maids. It must be their party uniform. She was handing out some drinks to the dancing people. The way she moved inside and out through the dance floor was very clumsy! It was a miracle that she didn't break any of those fine glasses or spill wine on someone else. 

Just when I felt that she was overwhelmed and going to humiliate herself, Lucinda came to her rescue. If I think about it, Lucinda always helped her just like she helped me. She used to say, 

"That poor girl Jane, losing both of her parents- such a terrible thing! She was so shocked by everything, I assume."

"What happened to her, Lucy?" an eight year old me asked her.

"She lost most of her memories, the sad ones. After all, her mother was killed in front of her. I thought the child was gone as well when I found her in that coma. It's a miracle that she's alive."

"Allen!" a sharp cry brought me back to reality. It was Father. His stern gaze made me sit up properly in the throne.

"Don't slouch and smile at your guests." he muttered with his rough tone. I nodded to show that I understood and he left me alone. Turning back to the crowd, she was gone.

Onto another chore, I guess.

Later that night, Lucinda brought me dinner as I hardly ate anything at the party. I was standing near the glass door to my portico as I watched the rain.

"That is quite a storm brewing, Lucy. Take the carriage home."

"Do not worry about me, child, I'll be fine. I'm more worried about Jane". My smile vanished when I heard that name. Lucy couldn't help but smile at me.

"You may think you both are so different, but she's just like you. I wish  that I could help her more just as I wish the same for you".

"You always wish for my well-being Lucy".

"That's because you deserve it, child".

The next morning, the sun shone brightly, erasing any trace of the previous night's storm. 

Another day's work, here I come!

Going through the various paperwork at my desk below, which ranged from trade to agriculture, my day might get more hectic than I thought. I was interrupted from my thoughts of business by a soft knock.

Must be Lucy. 


I was startled when I saw Jane rolling in the cart through the windowpane.

"I brought your breakfast, Your Highness",  she said in a quiet voice, almost like a whisper. 

Why was she serving me breakfast? Where's Lucy?

I remembered Lucy's words from last night which made me sigh. If she was similar to me, she would be thinking the same thing as me, wouldn't she?

"Do you ever feel like you don't belong?" 

What's with that confused expression? Forget about it! we are not similar at all!

"You can leave now." I said with gritted teeth which made her bow and leave. Sighing, I walked over to the cart to get my breakfast. Lucy had done a spectacular job, as always!

Walking through the gardens lining the castle gates, I was taking in the scent of roses and fresh breeze. Just looking at all that work wore me out! Looking ahead, I saw a small pool of people gathered and some kind of disturbance seemed to be happening. 

Hmm, I wonder what happened?

A clap ringed through the serene garden. Rushing through the crowd, I assumed what had happened when I saw that girl on the floor and William, with that stupid smirk of his.

"What is going on here?"

"The Prince?!"

No, I'm your nightmare.

"What are you doing here, my beloved Prince?-"

Beloved? This guy, can't he give his butt-kissing a break?! He's at it whenever he sees me. He had already earned the King and Queen's graces and he want's mine as well.

Hmph, not going to happen! 

I was brought back to reality when I saw that William was going to hit her again. 

"Stop this madness! I, Prince Allen will not allow you to harm that girl in front of my eyes!"

I'm not doing this because of her. Lucy would have done the same.

"But! Your highness!"

"Don't argue with me. I am taking this matter to the Queen. Better not get yourself fried."

Perhaps, this would show Mother what kind of a person he really is.

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