The Whys

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Luke's pov

I reluctantly go back home, sad about everything. They talked to several different doctors. All of them say there's nothing they can do. What're we gonna do? I tell Caroline everything and she looks so upset too. "I want to help somehow. But I don't know how." I say, sitting on the couch. Caroline rubs my shoulders. "All we can do now is pray, Lukey." She says kissing my cheek. I hear Brett cry upstairs in the nursery. She goes to get him and I try my damndest not to cry.

*A few days later*

Jason calls. "Any improvement?" I ask, hopeful. "No. And all the doctors we've talked to have been no help! They won't try any new medication! They won't try any therapies! They're zero fricking help!" "Stop the yelling, Jason!" I hear Miranda shout in the background. "Kinda hard, babe!" He calls back, sounding ticked. "What's he been doing?" "Staring in space mostly. He responded to his name once. If you can call it that. We called his name and his hand jerked slightly. I don't have a clue if he even heard me." I'm so worried. "Has he been eating?" "Yeah but he won't talk. I just want my lively wild son back! Past life and all!" My best friend cried in tears. I heard the sound of his phone hitting the ground and his gutwrenching painful cries.

Miranda's pov

I shakily walk over to my husband and hug him tightly. "We will get Jack back." "H-How?" He whimpers. "Because you never give up and I wouldn't let you anyway." "I'm scared, Miranda." He shakily whispers, looking back at our sweet little boy, absorbed in a TV show. I stand up and turn it off. His whole body stiffens. Jason walks over. "Jack... Can you hear me?" He doesn't respond. "Do you wanna go out back and throw the ball with daddy?" He asks, shakily holding his hand. He doesn't scream like last time someone touched him. He makes a weird grunting sound and Luke opens the door. Jason doesn't even look away from Jack. I doubt he knows he's even here. Too focused. "JackJack, I got a brand new baseball glove I've been dying to try out. But I need a pitcher." He says. "B-Ball!" My young son shouts, yanking his hand free. We're all in shock. "Ya wanna play ball with daddy?" Jason asks, worried. "Daddy!" He says, hugging him. My poor distraught husband starts to cry again. "Oh Jack, I love ya so much son."

Luke's pov

They walk outside. Jack's legs were shaking. Is he okay? What can we do? Jason puts on a glove and hands Jack the ball. He mumbles the word ball, frozen staring at it. "Jack, throw the ball, son. Throw the ball to daddy." He slowly looks up but doesn't throw it. "Come on buddy you can do it." His worried father shouts. I glance at Miranda. "Jack! Jack! You can do it!" I call. He looks at me. He throws the ball weakly but Jason still manages to catch it. I smile, still beyond worried. "That's my boy!" The little boy smiles, fear in his eyes. Why does he look so scared. Jason hugs him but he pulls free, freaked out. Aw man. "No... No touch." He whimpers. "Oh Jack, why are you saying that?" He gasps worried again. "No touch." He says again. Caroline comes over and parks in the driveway. She gets our little boy out of the back.

Jason's pov

I don't know why I'm jealous. I guess cause Brett's like a normal baby and I can't seem to fix my boy. I will fix my boy. I don't care what I gotta do. I will. I stared at Jack for the longest time and what scared me was the fear and pain I saw in his eyes. I need to get to the bottom of this. We go inside and I sit on the couch beside him. "Jack, squeeze my hand if you can hear what I'm saying." I say worried. He looks at me and holds my hand, shocking me. "Please tell me what's wrong. I know something is wrong." "I hate school." He struggles to say, his teeth grit. "Why buddy? Did something bad happen?" Miranda and Luke come inside and he goes quiet again. Damn. I need to talk to him alone. I keep a hold on his hand and we go to the kitchen. He starts to cry. "Jack, why are you crying? Please I can't help you if you don't talk to me!" He sits down, crying into his knees. I worriedly sit beside him. "Jesus loves me this I know. For the Bible tells me so." I whisper sing. He looks up. "Jack, did someone hurt you at school?" He nods. My eyes go wide. "Who? Who hurt you? What did they do?" He cries harder and hugs me. I hold him tight and rock him. "Yes Jesus loves me. Yes Jesus loves me. Yes Jesus loves me... The Bible tells me so." I whisper sing. After a few more minutes of him crying, he says something that completely enrages me beyond comprehension. "He forced me to a room and did bad things." I'm going to kill whoever did this. I shakily stand up, trying to keep my cool for Jack and walk into the living room. "I figured out what's wrong with Jack." I force myself to say. "What is it? What's wrong with my baby?!" My concerned crying wife whimpers. I tell them what he told me. The trio stares at me completely shocked. "Who hurt you, Jack? Who did it?" "M-My teacher. Am I b-bad daddy?" "No of course not, son. What that man did to you was wrong. You aren't to blame. God Jack I will make sure he never hurts you again!"

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