A New Side Of Jason

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Jason's pov

The snow crunches under my feet. I zip my jacket up and glance at my friend. "I'll get her Luke and eliminate the enemy." I whisper, walking to the lodge. Yeah the military might've fucked me up a bit but it taught me a lot more that I definitely needed. A guard stands at the door. I throw on night vision shades and hide. "Bastards." I growl, tightening my grip on my own shotgun. I can't attack them. I'm using the element of surprise!

Luke's pov

What do I do?! I have to stop Jason! He's gone full military mode. I shakily stand up, my legs feel like jello. I stumble out of the chopper. It must have been from being in a chopper. It reminded him of everything.

Jason's pov

I crawled through the vents and found the room. Caroline was chained to the chair, terrified and her dickhead dad was sitting across from her. I kick the grate and jump down, landing on the table and standing up. They're both shocked. I smile. "Don't you move." I growl pointing the shotgun at him. I break the chains with the pure brute strength I possess. "What are you doing here?! Where's Luke?" What?! No thank you?! Still the bitch I remember. "Whatever princess. I'm here for Luke! You dumbass bitch!" I strap a slingshot vest to her and fire it into the vent. As expected she shoots into it. "Luke's in the chopper!" I call. Now I face the enemy. He stands up, smiling. Hm.... "I can tell by your movements, you're military. Is that right?" "Correct." I glare suspiciously at him. I have the shot! Take the shot! But my sane side won't let me. "And don't they give microchips to people with PTSD?" Where's he going with this? "Yes." I say, jumping off the table. He presses a button on a little box with a smirk. Nothing happens. "What the?!" "What is it?" "You should be on your knees in agony!!" My eyes go wide. "Oh that! Ha! You're an idiot. I'm an old redneck! I refused the microchip. I'm not lettin' some government douchebag get in my head. And look it came in handy today." I raise my shotgun and back him up against the wall. "To stop a threat, you kill the threat." I whisper, cocking the shotgun. "Jason! Stop!" I hear Luke yell. "What the?!" I gasp caught off guard. "Luke?! What are you doing here?!" "Jason! Lower the gun. This isn't you! Not anymore! You're not a killer!" He walks over and takes the gun.

Luke's pov

"Why are you helping me?" Caroline's dad gapes shocked. "I may hate you but Caroline doesn't. No matter how much I wish you were dead, I'd never be the cause of her losing her dad." He's shocked. "I don't mind being the one to do it though." Jason shouts withdrawing a knife. I grab his shoulder. "Stand down!" He growls angrily at me. "Drop the knife Jason." "You're too soft Luke." He says, dropping it. "You never woulda survived the battlefield." I roll my eyes. "Please sir, will you accompany Caroline down the aisle?" He glares at me, still pressed against the wall. "Or I could have Jason do it?" I say in a jokey manner. His eyes go wide. My best friend smiles. "Yeah we'll have some fun again." He teases. "No. I'll do it." I smile. "Thanks sir." "Thanks for stopping that madman!" "Hey! I ain't a madman! I just don't take your crap anymore!" He growls. "Go to the chopper Jason." He mutters something then leaves. He sighs. "Luke you've proven how much you care about my daughter. I'm not gonna be a jerk anymore. Just keep that heathen away from her." I sigh. "He was in military mode. He's not usually like that." "I don't care. I never liked him. He never listened to authority even as a kid." I shrug it off and we leave.

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