One Big Happy Family

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Luke's pov

I was teaching Brett some baseball techniques. He wanted to join little league. I never played baseball though so I just googled shit and hope I'm doing it right. But that hope is shortlived when Brett says, "Um dad, you're supposed to wear the glove on your dominant hand." He says, holding up his left hand. He laughs slightly and I switch hands. "Hey lemme call an expert on this." "Luke I ain't no expert." Huh? I spin around confused. "When did you get here?" I gape. He laughs. "Carol said you were struggling." He says, pointing. I nod embarrassed. "I never played baseball." I say, shrugging. "It's certainly not my area of expertise." I hand him my glove and let him show Brett the ropes. I walk inside and Jack was on the couch with his fluffy ass support dog. "Man that thing is huge compared to him." The dog was laying across the boy's legs. It was funny because he was basically being swallowed by a dog and the couch with how small the ten year old is. Caroline finishes making a key lime pie. "Y'all staying for dinner? Luke was going to grill out." "The more the merrier." I say, walking into the kitchen and kissing my lovely wife. "We're not overstepping are we?" Miranda asks, making me laugh. "Of course not. That's why I called you!" Caroline says, hugging her. She's had the worst anxiety the last couple years. I guess all that stuff we went through along with everything happening with Jack is hard to shake. "How's Jack been doing?" She glances at their son, looking worried. "Better. He still doesn't talk that much but he acknowledges us talking to him. He prefers to write, rather than talk." Poor kid. "I walk back outside. "Thanks uncle Jay!" Brett runs for the house, almost running into me. He laughs. "Sorry dad." The youngin breezes through the door. "Did that guy from the bar ever mess with you again?" Jason asks, collecting gloves and a ball. "Nah. I think you scared him away." I say with a smile. "You alright?" "Yeah... I... I just wish I could do that with my own son." Man poor Jason. "I think it had to have been the stress we were going through during the war that caused this." "Whoa, wait! You can't jump to that conclusion." I gasp,  walking over. "What else could've contributed to it?" He asks, glaring at the ground. "You don't think... It's your fault... Do you?" He sighs as we walk to the house. "Sometimes I wish I never joined the army. But my dad joined, my brothers joined. It was customary in my family for the guys to join when they're 21." "At least ya waited til you were 21,  or ya never woulda met Miranda." He smiles. "Yeah. You're right about that. She was so mad when I signed up." "Yeah she wasn't the only one Buddy." I say, rubbing my neck,  a little embarrassed. "What? You?" "Man I'd heard so many horror stories. I was scared I'd lose my best friend." "Nah I'm too determined to die." He jokes. "Oh by the way. Y'all are staying for dinner." I say, slinging an arm around his shoulders. He laughs. "Sir yes sir." He jokes,  making me laugh hysterically.  We walk inside. "Hello gorgeous." He swoops Miranda into his arms and kisses her. I laugh and get the marinated steaks out of the fridge. "Love you baby." I whisper, kissing her. Just then the baby monitor goes off. Our 15 month old is awake. "I'll get her." She says, heading for the staircase. I look around happily at my loving family. Little Jack was coloring with his dog beside him. Brett was talking my brother's ear off about the tryouts and how good he'd do. My wonderful wife danced down the stairs holding our daughter. My life is perfect. Thank goodness for spring break. At least my Texas girl wanted to settle down and stay with me. I pull her into a hug and kiss. "Baby you rock!" 


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