Booby Traps

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Luke's pov

Me and Jason were trying on tuxes. He's my best man. "It's kinda weird to think I'm marrying your ex." I mumble, looking at myself in the mirror. "Dude, seriously don't worry about it. I do not like her and it's not awkward or anything." "What broke you two up anyway?" "She was too controlling for my taste." Well I think I found my tuxedo for the wedding. My phone buzzes and Jason gets it for me since I'm still working on this tuxedo. "Um.... Luke... You might wanna look at this!" He gasps. A text from her dad read, "I warned you!" Shit! "Shit! Did he take Caroline?!" "Probably. He's an asshole. I see where Caroline gets it." He mutters rubbing his chin. I glare at him. "Joking man." "We gotta get her back." "I think I can help. He was super paranoid when we was kids and he had this weird secret tunnel under his house. He didn't think we knew about it but we did. We used to go there to make out and stuff-" "Jeez Jason skip the shit!" "Oh right. He's probably holding her there!" "Then let's go!"

Caroline's pov

Dad won't let me leave. "Why can't you accept the fact that I love him?!" "Cause he's no good for you!!" He yells angrily, pacing back and forth. This tunnel is filled with booby traps and guard dogs. "There's just one thing you can't avoid. Ladies love country boys." I say, fighting back tears. If Luke comes he'll be screwed. "Aww your little boyfriend has arrived." No! Luke! "He's my fiancé." I growl. He smiles back at me. "And he brought a friend. Who's that? He looks familiar! I look at the screen and gasp in shock. Jason!

Jason's pov

If I remember correctly, the tunnel is littered with booby traps. Luke opens the front gate and I grab his arm as two big mutts run out. I toss a couple steaks and we run passed. "You came prepared!" Luke gasps surprised. "Dude I did this all the time when I was a teen." Having me y memory back is still weird and I keep on recounting things I used to do that I forgot about. Like this for instance. Thank goodness I got my memory back so I remember about the booby traps. "Just watch your step, Luke." I whisper, easing along the wall. Luke does the same. "Most likely, he'll have her in the control room." I whisper, mostly talking to myself. "Where's that?" Luke asks. I'm trying to remember. But this place is like a maze. "Not sure." I say.

Luke's pov

Jason takes a step and is grabbed up by a nylon net! The floor opens up. I jump back. "What the?!" "He's real smart! That bastard!" He gripes. I try to cut him down but he says, "Go! Don't worry about me! Just get your girl!" "B-But Jay-" "This is nylon your knife won't get through it! Just go!" I can't leave him. The net holding my best friend falls a few inches. His eyes go wide. "Get the hell outta here man!" He reaches a hand out and I clasp it tightly. "If by some chance I don't make it outta here. Tell my wife I love her." "I will." I can't believe I'm gonna leave him!!

Jason's pov

Caroline's dad isn't capable of murder, is he? I hope Luke finds her. In time too to save me. Problem is what if he gets caught in a trap like I did!? Nothing under me but pitch black darkness. Fear fills me as the net falls a few more inches. I saw relentlessly at the ropes but it's no use! "That bastard!"

Caroline's pov

The door swings open. "You just abandoned your best friend to certain death!" Dad says, smiling wickedly. I hug Luke. "You have to go back and save Jason! He'll die if you don't! There's wolves in that pit!"

Luke's pov

My blood runs cold. I just left my best friend for dead. I kiss Caroline, her hands rest on mine which are on her cheeks. "I will come back for you Caroline. I promise."

Jason's pov

Crap. This is it! I can hear some kind of animal below me. Trapped in this net there's no way I'll be able to fight them off. The net falls lower. I shut my eyes, fear coursing through my veins. "JASON!" Huh? Luke?! He grabs my shoulder as the net falls loose from the ceiling. I woulda fallen in the hole if Luke didn't catch me. "B-But what about Caroline?" "I could not let my best friend fall to his death. Where's your lighter?" My eyes go wide. I hand it to him and he burns through the nylon. I hug my best friend. "Now let's go save your girl!" He highfives me. "Together." I nod and we run back to the control room.

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