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Luke's pov

Every time Jason and the girls fire shots out back, it makes me tense. After about twenty minutes they walks back in. I was sitting on the couch, my eyes on the door. My amazing perfect gorgeous wife sits beside me. I hug her tight. Jason sits on the other side of me with his girl. "Jason, if martial law is in affect, what if we need a hospital for Miranda." He finishes off his cigarette. "I know how to deliver a baby." He says calmly as if he's talking about where to go for lunch. "How on earth do you know how to deliver a baby?!" Miranda gapes shocked. He sighs. "Baby there's so much you don't know about me." I hold Caroline tighter to me. "I'm scared, Luke." "Don't be, sweet girl. It'll be okay." I lay my head back and stare at the ceiling. Please don't let me be lying.


I hear my alarm go off, meaning shift change. I walk out and see Jason. He smiles and waves. "Shift change." I say. "Nah. I got it bro. Get some rest." "Are you sure man? You must be exhausted." He shakes his head. "I'm fine." I thought I knew that man like the back of my hand. I was so wrong. I sit on the couch, fear pumping through my veins like a sugar rush. "Jason, can we talk?" "Bout what?" He asks. "Your war days." "Luke you know I don't talk about that stuff." "Miranda's asleep. It's okay to talk about. Like how many people have you killed?" He bites his lip. "It isn't just about her, man. That stuff..... Bad memories man." "Sorry." "It's not your fault." He says. "I hope you're not mad." I shake my head.

Jason's pov

Maybe it's time I did talk about this to someone. Luke's my most trusted confidant. My closest friend. I shake off the jitters.

Luke's pov

"719." Jason whispers. Huh? I raise an eyebrow confused. "What do you mean?" He looks at me. "719. I killed 719 men." He says. I'm shocked. "Jason, if you don't wanna talk about it I understand." He stares out the window. "Mind if I smoke?" I sigh. "Sure." He lights one up, takes a long drag off it and lets out a deep tired sigh, a hand to his forehead, the hand that has the cigarette in it. "Ask me anything Luke." I stare at him worried. "Are you alright Jason?" He smiles. "That's not what I meant." He says. "That's not an answer buddy." I say smiling. "Luke I've been runnin' for so long. You dong know what it's like to think you're never gonna see the girl you love again. Everyday in that P.O.W. camp, I thought it'd be my last. I thought I'd break my promise and she'd see me dead. I couldn't do that to her man. I couldn't. It was so hard Luke, so damn hard." He is so torn up. I stand up and hug my best friend. "I'm here for you, Jay." "It was.... A nightmare.... Sitting in that cell and hearing her crying, begging for it all to be a dream. And there was nothing I could do to help her." Oh man poor Jason. "How'd you hear that?" "They planted a bug on the body." I'm confused. "What's a bug?" " a microscopic microphone where whatever was happening in that morgue I could hear it." "How do you do it man?" He stares out the window. I see his eyes for the first time tonight. Bloodshot and dark circles under his eyes. "Ya never give up, bro."

*the next day*

I made breakfast and Jason was still up keeping watch. He didn't sleep at all last night. I brought him over a plate of waffles and sausage. His favorite. "You should get some rest, Jay." I say worried. "Boy, trust me. I stayed awake for three weeks once. I'm okay. Thanks for breakfast by the way." I sigh and nod. The girls come downstairs and I give them breakfast. "I'm runnin' out. I'm runnin' low on ammo and I'm all out of smokes." He says, putting his plate in the sink. We stare at him worried. "Be careful." Miranda says hugging him. "I promise." He says. "Anything else we need?" He asks. "We're low on flour and eggs." Caroline says. "I can't make any promises. But if there's any left I'll nab 'em then I need to take a nap." I sigh. "Maybe I should go out." I say standing up. He shakes his head. "I got this."

Jason's pov

I hop in my truck. Man I hate marshal law. I get to the nearest grocery store. It's empty. I bust the window and get inside. Surprisingly it's still cool in here. I get what I need along with a few extra things Miranda loves then I grab several packs of smokes and a lighter. Just in case. I'm used to seeing a store's clerk. "Paper or plastic?" I whisper forcing a tired smile. I bag my own groceries missing the bagger boy who would always give me a warm smile and a salute. "Stay strong soldier." I whisper to myself. I've got a wife and son to care about. Not some bagger kid I'll probably never see again. As I'm walking out, I hear whimpering. My military side says leave it. It's probably a trap but my humane side says if you leave, he could die. I don't know who it is. It could be an enemy. But it could be a civilian too. And what kinda jackass would leave a civilian to die?! Not this cowboy soldier. I ready my gun just in case. "H-Hello?" I ask, easing the door open. A boy in a Kroger uniform was curled up on the floor. He turns around and to my surprise it's the bagger boy! "Whoa! Get up kid!" I gasp. He shakily stands up. "Hey." He says, waving. "What are ya doing here?" "Trying to survive. My house was ransacked." I sigh worriedly. "You should get home to your family, kid." "I can't. They're dead." My blood runs cold. Already casualties. "I can make ya a deal. You can come home with me. I'll protect you like my own son. But my wife, unborn son, and best friend are there, if this winds up bein' a trap, I will kill you and it will not be painless." His eyes widen. "Do I make myself clear?" "Crystal!" He shakily gasps, saluting." I force a smile. "Ok follow me, kid. What's your name by the way?" "Terrence and you?" "Jason." I smile and we get in my truck. We share a chocolate bar. I think I'm gonna like having him around. And to think I never thought I'd see this lonesome bagger boy.

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