Proving Him Wrong

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Luke's pov

Caroline walks down the aisle with her dad leading. "Now aren't ya glad I didn't let ya kill him?" Jason grumbles a no. I smile at my best friend. "I hate that guy." He says. I sigh. "Pretend to be happy." I mutter. He puts on a fake smile as Caroline reaches the altar. I proudly hold her hands.


We were dancing to the bride and groom dance. After that I hug Caroline tightly to my chest. Her dad walks over to the father daughter dance. I walk off the dancefloor. "I'm glad I stopped him." I whisper to myself. I see Jason sneak out of the reception hall. Huh? He looked worried. I walk after him quickly. He's on the phone. "You're kidding me! Please tell me this is a joke! I'm at my best friend's wedding reception for cryin' out loud." I wonder what this is?!

Jason's pov

"Jay? You alright?" I spin around caught off guard. "H-Hey Luke.... W-What ya doin'?" "I saw ya walk out. You okay?" Damn. "I-I'm fine. Go on back in there." "You're not fine. What's wrong?" Dammit. I sigh. "The stupid army called me back. I don't wanna go back not after the last time! I'm already messed up in the head enough!" His eyes go wide. "Th-They called ya back?!" I sigh and kick a rock. "Yeah. I was on the phone with the colonel. They need me ASAP. Sorry I gotta jet, man." "I uh it's okay, Jason..... Just.... Come home in one piece." I swallow the lump in my throat.

Luke's pov

We stare worriedly at each other. Then he salutes. "Til we meet again. And Luke we will. Meet. Again. I promise." I nod shakily. He walks to his truck. I walk back inside and think about what he said when we were getting Caroline. I'd never survive the battlefield. I bet I could. I want to. I'm going to go too.

*a few hours later*

Jason's pov

My heart nearly stops when Luke walks in. "What the hell?!" I cry, running over there. "What are you doing here?!" "I'm here to help. I want to help." This is not cool! "No! No way! Go home Luke! It's not safe-" "If it ain't safe for me, it ain't safe for you either and you're doing it! So I can do it." "Luke please listen to me! You don't know what you're talking about! I've seen some things I wish I could erase from my mind." "I'm not leaving, Jason." I sigh worriedly. That stubborn S.O.B!! "What does Caroline think about this?!" "She was worried but it's my choice. Miranda told me to give you this." He hands me a folder. I open it and to my shock there's an ultrasound picture and a positive pregnancy test! "Holy shit man! She's pregnant!" I shakily pull out my picture of my wife. "I'll make it back baby. I promise." I whisper, stuffing both pictures in my vest. The colonel walks in. We salute and stand in line. I wish Luke didn't come.


We were hiding behind trees, laying out an attack. Guards stood in front of the building we needed to get into. "Luke you have to listen to me. No mercy. They won't give you any. Promise me man!" He nods. A few of the guys from my platoon set off some bombs and smoke grenades. Then me and Luke started firing. The smoke cleared and our teammates ran in. I almost did but then I noticed Luke still by the tree. "Come on, dude, what are ya doing?" "Oh uh right."

Luke's pov

I run across and am stopped by a whimper, "Please help me!" He begs. "Luke come on!" Jason yelps. The guy on the ground looks horrible. "Come on man, what are ya waiting for?! Shoot him in the head and let's go!" He reaches a bloody hand up. "Please!" He begs again.

Jason's pov

He grabs his hand. "Shit!" I aim my gun but I'm not fast enough as he stabs Luke in the stomach! "For crying out loud!" I slap my forehead and run over shooting the guy in the head with my handheld. I grab Luke's shoulder. "What the hell was that?!" "He was begging for help!" "What did I tell you man! No mercy! These guys will try to kill you til their last dying breath! You shouldn't have come Luke! What was the real reason you came?! I know it wasn't just to help me!" He sighs. "I wanted to prove you wrong! The thing you said at the lodge but I proved you right instead. I am too nice!" Dammit! I punch the wall annoyed. "Buddy! You don't have to prove nothin' to me! I'm glad you're too nice. We're like yin and yang! I'm the idiot who causes trouble and you're my best friend who saves my ass. You're the guy who always knows what to say to cameras and I'm the guy that stays in the shadows. Luke you're the only reason I ain't dead because of my pent up rage. Your niceness keeps me in line, bro." He's bleeding out. "God I wish you didn't come!" "I'm sorry." I sigh. "Don't be man this is my fault. Come on there's no way I'm leaving you behind." I sling his arm over my shoulders and we walk down the hallway. "You don't have to prove your bravery through war, Luke. You prove it enough just by wanting to hang out with me. Anything can set me off but you don't care. You're still there, you're still my best friend. I'd be nothin' without ya Luke." He smiles, a hand pressed to his stomach. Thank goodness I found a med lab. "Lay down there." I say, pointing to a table. I get some basic medical supplies. He's pale as a ghost! I better work fast. I unbutton his army jacket and cut the white shirt. I hear gunfire down the hall. I wipe the sweat from my face. He's drenched in blood and sweat. I clean it the best I can. "Bite your tongue man, this'll hurt." "What will hu-" He screams in pain when I pour alcohol on it. I cover his mouth and wrap it in gauze. "Thanks." I smile. "All for one and one for all." The door is thrown open. I grab Luke off the table and throw it on it's side. "Hey Luke," "Yeah?" "Never do this again!" "Agreed." I hear the ping of bullets off the metal table. I cock my gun and fire off a couple shots but they wouldn't back down. I hear a few more gunshots and the ones shooting at us stop. "Come on!" Oh! It's the rest of the team! I help Luke walk back out and we make it to base.


Luke's pov

I wake up groggily with an IV in my arm. "Huh? What's going on?" Jason walks into view. "You're in the medic tent. I am not a surgeon." He says, smiling. I'm still shocked by everything he said. "What's gonna happen now?" I ask, struggling to sit up, my stomach killing me. "You're going home, Luke." "I feel horrible leaving you out here man." "Don't. This is my element. It's where I belong. You belong onstage with a beer and a mic. Now get the hell back to Caroline and for God sakes man learn how to dance like a guy!" We both laugh. I hear a chopper. He picks up a bag with my last name on it. "When will you come back?" I gasp worried. "I don't know. Until then take care of my girl for me. Golly I can't believe she's pregnant." He takes the pictures out of his vest. I see tears hint at his eyes. "Private Bryan." An officer says. I shakily stand up and get back on the chopper. My best friend waving goodbye.

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