Alot Going On

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Caroline's pov

I meet Luke at the airport. He has bandages wrapped around his waist. I run over and hug him. "I'm so glad you're home." He sighs. "I wish Jason was too." "He'll make it back. You know he will. That guy will fight with everything he's got." We go back home.

*a few months later*

Miranda's pov

I go to the doctor's appointment alone since Jason is still fighting with the army. I wish he was home. I miss him so much. The doctor tells me everything is healthy then we do an ultrasound and we're having a little boy. I wish I could tell Jason.

Jason's pov

I stand over my team, a lit cigarette in my mouth. Still can't quit smoking. Even though I'm fighting for my life. "Ok boys, stealth is the key. The element of surprise is your best friend." I was about to say something else when someone slipped a hand over my mouth. My eyes go wide as the sharp scent of chloroform fills my nostrils. I get lightheaded but throw the person over my shoulder first. Just as suspected an enemy. He kicks me in the groin, making my eyes go wide. He stands back up as I hit my knees. "You bastard!" I choke out biting my tongue from the pain. I look up horrified as he guns down my whole tactical team! "What were you saying about the element of surprise." Bastards. He stuck a gun in my face and forced me to stand up. I shakily stare at the bodies of my friends. Thank God Luke went home or he'd be laying there too. My body trembles at the thought. "What do ya want with me?! Why not just gun me down too?!" "The boss wants to see you." Why?! I don't have a fucking clue! A gun is in my back as they force me into a Humvee. We get to their base and my hands are shaking. They shove me to my knees. "He's perfect." Huh? "F-For what?" I gasp, shakily. I've just become a prisoner of war.


Someone shoves me into a room. What's going on? Electricity fills the room, making me hit my knees as searing pain shoots through me. "IT WORKED!" Someone yelled. What worked?! The same guy pulls me out and handcuffs me. There's a guy in the room next to me but there's too much smoke I can't see. They drag him out and he's fighting. The smoke clears and to my shock. I-It's me!?!?? "What the fuck?!" I gape. He stops fighting and looks at me just as shocked. "Cloning." The guy holding him still says. They.... Cloned me?! Take him to a cell." The guy says. Then he shoots the clone in the head. Holy shit!! "What's going to happen?!" I shakily gasp. "They'll send the dead clone back to the states." My blood runs cold. I spin around, struggling to get free. "You can't!! They'll think I'm dead!" "Exactly." "Please I'm begging you. My wife's pregnant. This'll kill her! Please don't do this!!" "Shut up! Begging won't get you shit but a bullet in your head." Fear fills me. I can't stop this. They're gonna think I'm dead.

Miranda's pov

*a few weeks later*

There's a knock at the door. I answer it and scream in fear and surprise seeing the military guys. "Jason!" I cry terrified. "I'm sorry ma'am. He's dead. We found his body right outside base camp." My knees start to shake. I call Luke. "His whole platoon was shot and killed. Surprise attack by the enemy."

Luke's pov

Caroline was making a strawberry cheesecake and I was just watching her when my phone rang. I answered while still looking at my wife. "L-L-Luke..... Jason's dead." My eyes go wide. Caroline looks at me confused. "What's wrong?" She asks picking the cake up to move it to the fridge. My phone shakily slips from my hand. I feel like dying right now. "Jason's dead." I whisper. Her eyes get huge and she drops the cake. I pick up the phone and say I'm on my way then I drive over there as fast as I can. She's sobbing on the porch, gripping his cowboy hat. I hug her tight. "Did they find a body? He could just be missing?" "A foot out of base camp was where they found him. Shot in the head. The whole platoon killed too." I woulda been in there too. Oh God! I can't believe my best friend is dead. We drive to the morgue and sure enough there he lay. Dead. She sobs against my chest. "Oh Jason, you were gonna be a daddy to a little boy."

Jason's pov

They're torturing me. They planted a bug on the body. I can hear what's going on. I can hear her crying. I can hear the fear and devastation in Luke's voice. "Oh Jason! You were gonna be a daddy to a little boy!" She screams in misery. My poor baby girl!! And she's gonna have a son. Tears fill my eyes. I scream in rage and punch the brick wall. My hand tenses up with pain. I hear the guy who caught me laughing. "STOP IT!! WHY ARE YOU TORTURING THEM?! WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO GAIN BY HURTING MY WIFE AND SON?!?! WHAT'S THE POINT OF ALL THIS??!!" I scream outraged. He just laughs again. This is inhumane. These guys are insane. I've gotta get outta here!! But how?! I've been stripped of my weapons. The only thing I got left is a sweat and blood soaked towel, the ultrasound picture, the pregnancy test, and a picture of Miranda when I first got to know her.


Back then I was a professional photographer when I wasn't in the service. She came in and asked to get her portrait taken. I was confused. "Not many people ask for a single photo. It's usually a family thing." She looks away. "I don't have a husband or kids." I was shocked by this because she was so beautiful. "Wow. That's shocking. You seem like the kinda girl who'd love to get married." She smiles and brushes a strand of hair back. "I.... I guess I'm just waiting for the right guy to come along and sweep me off my feet." I smile and ask about the picture she wants. I took the picture just how she wanted. And looking through that lens at the small lovely young woman, I knew she'd turn this ol cowboy around.

~flashback over~

I shakily hold the photo in my hands. "I will get home. I'm not dead!" I gasp, trying not to cry.

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