Brothers For Life

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Jason's pov

I was sitting, thinking about everything with Jack. I'm nervous and frustrated. He's not just autistic but he's also got some weird past life shit!? I mean what the hell is a past life gonna do to him emotionally? Why can't anything go right? I lean back in the chair, exhausted mentally. Luke sits beside me. "You okay man? You look upset." "Just worried about Jack." "Don't worry dude. Most kids forget about past lives after their toddler years." That's a little relief. I force a tired smile. "That lifts alot off my shoulders." "Hey remember when Jack was a baby and you and I were going through all that military shit." "Of course how could I forget? I almost lost my best friend." He shudders. "What was so bad about that microchip? Oh man. Not the fucking microchip again! "Why were you so freaked out about it?" I take a deep breath. "Caroline's dad tried to use it against me. He tried to shock me immobile when I went to get Caroline but he didn't know I didn't have it implanted. Not to mention the fact it's government equipment." "Man you'll never trust the government will you, Jason?" He says laughing. It isn't a laughing matter.

Luke's pov

"No but.... I wasn't even talking about our government." My eyes go wide. "What?" "Me and a buddy were over in Iran on a few Intel missions. He had already been in the service for a few years, had gotten the implant the year prior. Well we got captured by a few enemy soldiers, were taken to the POW camp, Iran's governor manipulated the microchip in his damned head and basically turned him into a robot. A robot with one order. To kill me." I stare at him shocked. "W-What... What'd you do?" "I had no choice. had to kill him before he killed me and I mean this frickin' guy had been by my side for five straight years. We'd been partners every single fucking time I went into a war, into a fight, into any God damned mission! And I was forced to kill him. He had tears in his eyes when I killed him." "My God. Are you okay?" He sighs and nods. "Never get the damn thing. You're still a militant. They could call you back any day." Fear fills me at the thought of it. "Hey buddy, wherever you go I go. I ain't lettin' you go over there alone." He says smiling. "Really? You can do that?" I ask. "They sure won't refuse." He says. "Buddy, I'll be your Andrew." I'm confused. "Who?" "The guy who mentored me. The one I had to take out." He says, not smiling anymore. "Oh." I mumble. "We're family, man. You're my brother. I will never and I mean never not until I'm dead buried in the ground will I let them make you go over without me. Hell I fight with a limp, PTSD, and anger issues that scare even myself sometimes." I force a smile. "I couldn't ask for a better brother." He smiles too and we share a hug. "Love ya brother." "Love ya too Luke."

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