A Father, An Accident, And A Speech

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Luke's pov

It's that time of year again. Spring break. Panama City. We walk onto the beach, her arms around me. "Where we first met." She whispers. I smile and lean down for a kiss. "Ahem." Uh oh. Caroline's dad. With everyone getting so drunk at the BBQ we uh rescheduled the meeting. "Mr. Boyer, pleased to meet you. I'm Luke Bryan." I say, extending a hand. "I know exactly who you are." He growls, not shaking my hand. "There are three things about dating my daughter. 1. No physical abuse. 2. No name calling and that includes your stupid little friends!" I fight back getting pissed. "My friends aren't stupid." I gripe annoyed. "Number 3," He says completely ignoring my comment. "I get final say in anything moving forward in your relationship." This guy makes me wanna throw up. "You're fucking kidding me. Caroline your dad is a complete dick!" She gasps and his jaw drops. "First off screw you no you don't! Second off, my friends aren't stupid and third I would never lay a hand on Caroline!" "Just as ignorant as your hillbilly friends. Come along Caroline. We'll find you someone more suitable." She stares at me apologetically. "Take it back you no good loser!" I yell furious. "Luke stop it! You can't go against my dad! Neither can I!" "Screw him. He's a complete and total douche. I'm gonna knock his damn teeth down his throat! Now take it back!" I yell grabbing his shirt. She pulls me off and shoves me back. "Stop it Luke! Just go to your shows! I have to go back home now!" My jaw drops. "Baby you don't have to follow your dad! And do what he says. You're an adult!" She sighs. "I'm sorry Luke this is goodbye." She says walking over and kissing me. I sigh. It wouldn't be the first time she left me in Panama City. "B-Bye Caroline." I whisper, trying not to cry.


Caroline's pov

I was watching Luke's spring break concerts on TV. Man I miss him! I cry into my knees. He didn't have that usual kick in his step. Because I had to leave. "Hey Caroline I have a date set up for you and Joshua. He's a businessman who owns three companies!" Screw him! "I don't want to!" I gasp, sobbing quietly, my hands gripped tight to my pants legs and the pain in my heart severe.

Jason's pov

"JASON!" What the?! "Babe?" I gasp running in our room. She's staring at the TV in shock. I rewind it to the beginning and Luke fell off the stage at the spring break concert. Oh man! He's been taken away in an ambulance! I shakily sit on the bed. He's fallen offstage before but never that severe! I stand up. "Baby I gotta go to Panama." I say, gripping her shoulders. She wipes her eyes. "Of course. Oh Jason I hope he's okay." She says. I wipe her tears and hug her. "He's gotta be." I say, grabbing my keys and starting up my old ford. "Please Luke be okay." I whisper, worriedly.

Caroline's pov

I watched Luke fall offstage and I can't let him stay in a hospital alone like that. So I snuck out. They hadn't let me back yet so I was terrifiedly pacing the waiting room floor. The door opens and I hear Jason scream, "LUKE!" He falls to his knees with ragged breathing. A doctor rushes over. "Sir are you okay?" "I-I'm fine. My friend Luke! Where is he?" "He's in intensive care. Only family is allowed back there." The doctor says. The angry fire like look is in his eyes I remember from high school. He hates being told no. "I'm his brother. So ya better let me back there!" He's not! He doesn't even have a brother. "B-But Jason!" I gasp desperately wanting to go back there too.

Jason's pov

Quick thinking!! What do I say?! "And Caroline's his cousin, what are we still doing in the waiting room!?" I gasp, still trying to catch my breath. "Oh of course sir, ma'am. Right this way." We get to Luke's room. And the breath I hadn't yet caught catches in my throat and I choke on my words. "L-Luke.... B-Buddy." He's all busted up. A broken leg and apparently a bad head injury! "Is he gonna wake up?" Caroline whimpers. "It's all up to the good Lord now." I shakily say, fighting back tears. Caroline on the other hand sobs into her hands. I pull her into a hug. "Luke's one strong man. I think he'll pull through. He's gotta." I say. "B-But... M-My dad... W-What am I gonna do?!" I raise an eyebrow confused. "What do you mean?" "My dad forbid me from seeing Luke ever again." Oh my God. This stupid girl still follows her stupid ass father?! "Girl you haven't grown up a bit since high school." I say, shaking my head. "What's that supposed to mean?" "How the fuck old are you?" "33." "Why the hell are you still listening to that asshat dad of yours! The same fucker who put a gun to my head in seventh grade, the same stupid shithead who told you you couldn't hunt because you were a girl! The same asshole that said we couldn't date! You defied him then you sure as hell can do it now! You love Luke and he loves you! Without you in his life, he might as well not wake up, cause he won't wanna live a life without you Caroline! For once, please for the sake of the man you love fight your father!" I can't believe I just said all that. She can't either I can tell. "W-Wow Jason I.... I.... That was amazing." "Yeah.... I uh amazed myself right there." I say slightly embarrassed for some reason. "So what are you gonna do?" "I'm gonna go against my father and be with Luke!" She says confidently. I smile. "That's my girl." I hug her tight. Wait did I just say.... She was my girl?! Awkward!! She turns back to Luke's bed. "I'm right here for you Luke. I promise. I'll never leave you again, not til the day I die." She whispers, kissing his forehead. He groans and she she gasps in surprise. I stare at him shocked as he wakes up. Makes me think of the old sleeping beauty fairy tale. "Caroline?" He mumbles. "Oh Luke you're awake! And I promise Luke nothing will scare me away again. You're stuck with me forever!" He stares at her shocked. "I wouldn't want it any other way." He says hugging and kissing her. "Still in the room y'all." I say, feeling like the third wheel. She sits on the edge of his bed. "Caroline Katherine Boyer will you marry me?" Whoa! My jaw hits the ground and she screams yes and kisses him again. Hot damn, my best friend is getting married!

Spring BreakdownTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang