A Wild Goose Chase Or Is It?

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Jason's pov

I get home from the bar. "You didn't drink and drive did you?" My wife, Miranda asks. "No of course not honey. I was cursed to be designated." She chuckles softly and brings me a beer. "You don't have to be designated anymore." I smile and crack it open. I do need to figure this out. I need to find that girl for Luke.

Luke's pov

I can't stop thinking about Caroline. I wish I got her number or where she lived. I walk into the studio. "Hey Carter, can ya leave a ticket at the next show?" "For who?" I show him the picture on my phone. "Her name's Caroline." "Will do, Luke." I get onstage.


"We go way out where they're ain't nobody. We turn this cornfield into a party...." I finish kick the dust up and head backstage. "Good show, man!" He gasps. I smile and head back home. I stare out the window. "Where are you, sweet girl?" The door opens, making me jump in surprise. Jason and TFarr. I force a smile. "Wass up Aldean?" I put on a fake happy mood. He smiles. "Me and T have been talkin' and we've got a proposal for you." I raise an eyebrow in confusion. "What..... kind...... of proposal?" I ask, slowly. "We're gonna help you find this girl." "B-But I don't know where she lives or anything. She didn't tell me anything." Jason smiles. "That's why we better get lookin'." "Let's go to the next show then!" I say excited now!

*a few weeks later*

Jason's pov

While Luke performs, I'm searching for Caroline. "Did anyone come for the ticket?" I ask Carter. He shakes his head. I sigh. "Dude this is hopeless. It's just a wild goose chase!" "Maybe, but my best buddy loves this girl and I'm gonna find her." I reply, walking backstage.

Carter's pov

I glare after that stubborn cowboy. This is just a waste of tickets. "Excuse me, this.... Is Luke's show right?" I turn around, annoyed and nod. I stop short, seeing a blonde girl with blue eyes. I glance at the picture. It's her!

Jason's pov

Carter texts me to meet him at the entrance. I shrug and wave to Tyler and head that way. I get stopped by a couple fans and do pictures with them. Then Carter waves his arms crazily, trying to get my attention. "What is it?" I call annoyed. "Get your stubborn redneck ass over here!" He yells. I roll my eyes. "Sorry guys I gotta jet." I say sprinting over to him. "This better be good, man. I was- Whoa.... You found her!" I smile. "And I thought you said it was all a wild goose chase." I tease him. "Oh cram it where the sun don't shine Aldean. I was wrong okay!" I laugh. "Why does everyone keep calling me by my last name?" I mutter, shaking my head. "Yo T, Go get Luke! We found his girl!" I call to Tyler. He heads towards the stage. "We?" Carter asks, making me laugh. "Oh shut up Carter."

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