Chaper 1 - How It All Began

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I was young, no more than six years old, and no less than four at the time. After it happened I only knew my name, my initials being C.M.P. Unfortunately they used them, they used them as short for Con Modified People, which is what I am thanks to them. I am nothing more than a science experiment.

C.M.P. is who I am. Now, let me explain what happened to me more thoroughly. I was five, I think, when it all happened. Asleep in my room, curled up under the blanket on my bed, when I woke due to strange sounds. So I stood and walked over to the window, there I stood, transfixed by the scene before me, a giant robot with a narrow face and a high pitched voice.

"Well, well, well, I think I have found the little native I was looking for," it said as it reached a giant metal hand through my window and grabbed me.

I screamed, but if anyone heard ever heard me, I was already gone when they came, as the giant robot had taken me out of the room and transformed into some kind of plane, jet thing, I didn't really know what it was at the time.

I was riding in the cockpit but didn't do anything, it flew itself. I think I must've fallen asleep because I don't remember anything until the robot transformed back into it's true form. All I know was that I was terrified as the robot carried me through halls to a... lab, I think it was. There I was tied to a table and that was the last thing I remember happening as everything went black.

When I next opened my eyes I was still tied to the table, but I was different. I was older, much older, by a few years. Not only that, but now on my wrist was metal, but I couldn't take it off, and it stretched from both sides of my wrist to my middle finger, where it wrapped around it into a ring.

There was also a symbol on it. The same symbol on the robots that walked around me, little did I know at the time that it was the symbol of the enemy.

Now awake I looked around. In the room to there was several tables like mine, a limp human laid on each, each was dead. I freaked out and tried to get up, I froze when my bracelet extended up my arm and a blade extended.

After I got over my shock I easily broke through the restraints. I ran and was almost stepped on before I was picked up.

I whimpered as I was taken to another room, being carried by a robot. There before me stood an even bigger robot with a bucket head.

"Lord Megatron," the robot holding me said. "I present to you C.M.P. One Thousand. The first to survive."

My eyes went wide at the name.

The robot before me grinned evilly and looked closer at me. "Well, we'll have to ensure no harm comes to this one until it is ready."

"Yes, Lord Megatron."

"Oh, and remind of the age of my little weapon?"

"She reached the human age of eight just a few days ago from our records."

He nodded and turned away, "you know what to do with her."

"Yes, Lord Megatron." And with that, the robot carried me away to a different room where I was given to another robot.

"C.M.P. One Thousand, welcome to the Decepticons," the robot said as it put me on a platform made for me it seemed. "You have been recruited to help destroy the autobots."

Of course I had no idea what this robot was talking about and it showed. It went into depth and explained the Decepticons to me, as well as the Autobots. Once I understood I grinned.

"When do I begin infiltrating?" I asked eagerly, unknowing to the deception I was being wrapped into.

"After you complete your training," the con said, I grinned and was hopping excitedly.

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