Chapter Seventeen - Home.

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A month has passed. I did leave that day after the cave... I fixed my arm, no more malfunctions... But that's not important. I just kinda wandered around for a month... driving around looking for energon... My arm went through a growth spurt again, so now it was almost entirely metal, you know that spot where you get the tan mark from short sleeves? That's where it ends. To think it used to just be my hand... that was an eternity ago.

But today... I'm back in Jasper. I felt bad just leaving Miko like that, even though I don't even like her. The bell rang and I looked across the street towards the school. I watch as the other students poor out, among them I spot Raf and Jack, but not Miko. With a frown I cross the street and run up to them.

"Hey!" I call, they stop and turn around.

"Oh, hi Chrissy." Raf said, "what's up?"

"I'm looking for Miko... isn't she usually with you guys?"

"Yeah, she might have detention today though..." Raf mumbled.

"She definitely has detention." Jack said.

"Okay, thanks!" I wave as I walk away. I run up the steps and down the hall. I peek my head into Miko's homeroom classroom and spot her sitting at the front. "Excuse me," I say, stepping in, catching the teacher's attention. Miko whipped her head around to stare at me. "My mom just called... there's a family emergency and I was told to get Miko and go home... is that alright?"

"Of course, I hope it's cleared up soon." The teacher said. I smile and motion to Miko.

"Come on, Miko, let's get going." Miko grabbed her bag and bolted from the seat as I walked down the hall. I'd taken five paces from the room when Miko's arms wrapped around me almost taking me to the floor.

"You're back!" She said, though her words sounded wet and shaky.

"Are you crying?"

"No!" Miko snapped, removing her arms to wipe her eyes. "I just got some dust in them."

"Come on, let's go get something to eat." I say as I swing my arm around her shoulders.

"What about the emergency?"

"Emergency, family in town, aren't those kinda the same thing? What'd you want to eat? I'm buying."

"KO Burgers!"

"Confood, alright."

"Confood—AH! That's a terrible pun."

"To each their own." I say. "I'll even answer your questions."

Miko gasped, "really? ALL OF THEM?!"

"I think I owe you that much."

She grinned as we walked out of school. "Oh! But I'm supposed to go to the base today..."

"Just tell Bulkhead you're going to go home. I'll take you offroading."

"Okay!" Miko grinned and ran towards the green autobot that'd pulled up. She just opened the door and talked while I crossed the road to my car. A minute later Miko ran over and slid across the hood of my car only to flash a smile at me. I roll my eyes as I get in. She hopped in and seemed extra hyper. Was I regretting my decision? Not yet.

We just went through the drive thru of KO Burgers and I ate as I drove towards the hills Miko directed me too. We'd driven for about ten minutes and had just left town when the questions came.

"Why'd you leave? Is it because of me?"

"No. It's not cause of you, I just had a lot to think about..."

"Are you gonna leave again?"

"You'll figure that out soon."

"How do you do the cool thing where stuff just appears?"

"Particle manipulation..."

"WOW! THAT'S SO COOL! Why don't the cons use it?"

"Uh... they sorta... didn't mean to give it to me..."

"Really? How's that work?"

"Well... the metal grows... they didn't anticipate that so... it's hard to know what they installed and what was created by the metal itself."

"So it's like the autobots? It grows on it's own?!"

"I guess so, never really thought about it too much..."

"What else can you do? Like, can you just give yourself the body of an autobot and just rip con's apart?"

"I... haven't tried... though I suppose it'd be possible..."

"You should totally try! Oh! Why don't you try smashing a rock as an autobot! That'd be wicked!"

I laugh, that might drain too much energon though... but... that shouldn't bother me too much right... "Let's go offroading first. What do you wanna drive?"


* * *

"Arcee, are you okay?" Jack asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine." She snapped, though it didn't sound like she was as she paced back and forth.

"Are you trying to wear a hole in the floor?" Ratchet snapped. "What are you waiting for?"

"I'm not waiting for anything." Ratchet looked unconvinced but didn't respond.

"Jack, wanna play another round?" Raf asked.

"Yeah," he walked towards the couch. "Hey, Bulkhead, where's Miko?"

"Uh... she said she had a host-family emergency to deal with... whatever that means."

"I wonder if that's why Chrissy was asking where she was." Raf said.


"Chrissy? As in Miko's host-sister?" Arcee asked.

"Yeah, why?" Jack asked.

"No reason, just wondering." Arcee sighed. Just then, the proximity alert began blaring. "Who is it? Cons?" A black camaro was racing down the road.

"Why does that car look familiar..." Bulk muttered.

The outer door opened and the jet black convertible drove in, stopping just inside. Miko hopped out of the passenger side with a grin as she slammed the door shut.

"Hey guys!" She waved as she ran over. The driver's door swung open and Chrissy stepped out.

"Hey Arcee, I'm not late, am I?" 

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