Chapter Twenty - Neither do Cures

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"Cybonic plague." Ratchet confirmed what had already been guessed. "It's only contagious if contact is made with the infected energon." He probably meant it as a means of comfort to the other autobots, but instead an icy terror ran through me.

"What was a plague doing in an autobot spaceship?" Miko asked.

"It's passengers were affected." Arcee began, "the virus wiped out millions on Cybertron during the great war."

"The cybonic plague was engineered in the decepticon biological warfare program. By Megatron himself."

"You... have a cure don't you?" Raf asked.

With a pained groan, Optimus turned his head towards us, "no cure..." came out in a rasp.

"Optimus please, save your strength." Ratchet chided softly.

"Would Megatron create a disease without having a cure?" Jack asked. "I mean, what if he caught it by accident?"

"It's not like we can ask Megatron, Jack, he's pushing up lugnuts."

"But... we might be able to access the decepticon database..." Ratchet said. "For a moment, we still have a fix on the warship's location."

"Bumblebee, come with." Arcee said, turning with a wave of her arm.

"Arcee, quickly."

She nods. "Quickspark, you too."

"Uh... wh-why?" I stammer. I hadn't told them yet that Megatron hadn't truly passed... but the thought of him not being dead... A shudder ran down my spine.

"You know the layout of it, come on, Optimus doesn't have all day."

Right. I'm not doing some revenge mission, though that might also get me to go, but no. I was going to help the last of the Primes.

Bulkhead opens a groundbridge and I swing myself through after the two autobots. I land with a roll and pop up behind the two warriors, both scanning the area with blasters drawn.

"Let's start with the lab." Arcee says before they both start walking forward. Why was I here again? I jog forward to keep up with them. We reach a corner and Arcee peers around it. I hear a door open and the heavy footsteps of a con. I quietly creep up to the corner and peer around as well. Knockout's walking down the hall, looking smug like normal. Arcee and Bee climb into the rafters and I just press myself against the frame of the corner. I'm not supposed to be alive so hopefully he won't look down... He barely glances behind him before carrying on down the otherside of the hall. The autobots wait for a few minutes before dropping down and I'm already making my way towards the lab. Arcee and Bee catch up almost instantly. Oh to be a giant. Arcee picks me up and sets me on the edge of the keyboard as she begins to type.

"Why isn't this working?" She hisses.

"Just enter the password some moron etched into the top of the screen." I say, pointing to the series of cybertronian numbers carved into the wall. "Decepitcons are bad at remembering passwords."

She typed it in. "I'm in the network." She searched the screen with her eyes as she tried search after search. "If it's here I don't see it." She said to her comlink.

"Are you certain Arcee?" A slightly staticy Ratchet replied.

"I searched every file. Nothing."

"Well search again!" Ratchet snapped. "Clearly you missed something."

I notice Bee walking over by a door. Is this where he was being kept? Or did they move him? Is my memory just failing me?

"I scanned the entire database!" Arcee growled back.

"What's behind that door, Bee?" I ask. He buzzed with uncertain curiosity. "Maybe we'll find an answer in there." I suggest, tuning out of Ratchet and Arcee's argument entirely. Bee buzzed again and Arcee turned to stare at him.

"What is it?" she snapped, stomping towards him. Arcee gasped as Ratchet tried to figure out what was going on. The door opened and laying on a slab with life support was none other than my plague, and Optimus' cure.

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