Chapter Seven - But, I can usually fix my mistakes... Usually

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"Hold up!" I demand as Starscream straps me onto a table, Knock Out already preparing the tools. "I NEVER AGREED TO THIS!" I shout. "I WANT PAINKILLERS!"

"Repentance is a painful process, Quickspark." Starscream said, "isn't it, Knock Out?"

"Very painful." He agreed. The door opened and Soundwave walked in, with his flat screen face very obviously judging the entire room.

"What is it, Soundwave?" Starscream asked, as annoyed as I could ever make him. So they still hated each other, perfect. More fun for me, I guess. He started playing a recording. Likely intercepted.

"Wheeljack? What are you doing all the way out here?" Bulkhead's voice played.

"Bulkhead? That's you? What's with all the security?" I didn't recognize the autobot's voice. But judging by the fact that Bulkhead knew him, and well enough for them to know each other by voice alone instantly... they likely served together in the wars on Cybertron. In other words, he's a wrecker, just like Bulkhead. And thanks to Soundwave looking him up and displaying a picture... I know what he looks like too. Ugh, my head's gonna explode by the time I get out.

"The rock we're on is crawling with cons."
"A war hero? We haven't much time." Starscream said. "Makeshift." Starscream grinned as Soundwave's long arm stretched out to grab an approaching con. I could hear metal shifting. Oh. It was that con. The one who can turn into other bots, lovely.

"See you soon buddy, I'll make sure you get a proper welcome." I could hear Bulk's voice just barely over the noise.

"I too," Starscream began, "know how to prepare a proper welcome." He smirked wickedly.

"Where's my pain killers?"

"Oh, you're still conscious? Knock Out, why don't you handle that." Starscream said with a wave over his shoulder as he strode out.

"Of course, Commander." He smirked and held up a drill. It whirred to life and he placed it against the autobot symbol Cliff had so carefully installed. It cut into the metal and all I could do was scream.

* * *

I came too in the old laboratory where I was created. Well, I guess modified is a better word. I rip my arm free of the restraint and remove the others. It's so much heavier. I pull up my sleeve and nearly gag at the decepticon symbol forged to the back of my hand. As if I hadn't seen it enough times. Not only that, but it would be much harder to hide now, considering Starscream had a human sized version of his missile strapped to the top, though, it could be of use in escape...

"Ah, you're awake." Starscream said. "Come along. I have a prisoner I want you to meet."

"Oh, lovely." I say sarcastically. "Maybe I should just blow you up while I'm at it."

"How dare you threaten the life of your superior!"

"The only way you are superior to me is in height, and that's not saying much." I say, jogging lightly to keep pace with him. "How long have I been out?"

"Only a day or two. Unfortunately. I was hoping you'd be a bit more like Master in your recovery."

"Such loyalty, scrapheap."

"Says the defective returnee."

"I haven't tried to kill him yet."

"You tra—" Starscream began but changed course as Soundwave approached, "—treasure. Lord Megatron will be so very happy to see you when he wakes."

"Nice save." I muttered, following the two cons.

"The moment Makeshift passed through their groundbridge, we lost his tracking signal. The autobot base is no doubt heavily shielded to prevent us from locating it." He clenched his hand then relaxed as he carried on blabbing about who cares what. "No matter. I have complete faith in Makeshift." They stopped in front of a door and I pulled myself onto Starscream's leg spike. Careful to make sure I wouldn't be crushed, I peered around his leg as the door slid open. "Our inside man is already inside."

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