Chapter Fourteen - This isn't easy...

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I don't actually know what happened for a time... but Miko explained it to me later... way later. She doesn't know exactly what happened on the ship... but Arcee and Bumblebee brought me back through the groundbridge. Arcee seemed... disturbed, Miko said freaked out but Arcee being Arcee, it was probably disturbed. Not only that, but Miko wasn't really paying attention to anything because I was dripping red blood. And if you know much about me, you know that unlike normal people, red blood is bad. It means there's too little energon in my system to support my weird cyborg life.

For a while, apparently, no one but Miko said anything, and Miko was mostly just yelling at Bulkhead to let her go. I was lucky Optimus wasn't there... I was also lucky that Wheeljack was there.

"Miko, chill," Wheeljack said with a slight grin.

"I CANNOT CHILL! DO YOU SEE HER?!" Miko screamed back at him.

"Wheeljack, I don't know how to operate on humans." Ratchet chided.

"I'm not expecting you too," Wheeljack said with a shrug.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ratchet asked.

"What do you do when someone's lost a lot of energon?"

"Seal the wound and give them more."

"Yeah, in this case, it's backwards."

"And why do you know this?" Arcee asked suspiciously.

"She's helpful backup." Wheeljack shrugged. "Where's the energon again?" He walked down the hall to retrieve one of the containers of energon. Arcee looked down at me, I'd been laid on a random hospital bed they had for some reason. Bulkhead finally let Miko go and she rested her hand on my arm. My metal arm. Wheeljack returned after a few minutes and held the energon above my arm, the lid a little off so it dripped onto my arm.

It only took a minute before my arm was able to run a diagnostic and begin to rebuild the tissue that had been damaged. All my wounds were faintly glittering blue. It took about three minutes before my wounds had been healed by particle manipulation. At that point, my arm sucked up the rest of the energon it could hold before my eyes starting opening. Before I looked around or even got more than an arm beneath me, Miko's arms were around me and squeezing the life I'd just gained from me.

"Rule five." I snap, my surroundings finally clicking. I shove Miko away from me and raise my arm towards the ceiling.
"Sparks—" Wheeljack started, but before he could say another word I fired my rope and was lifted onto the rafter. "Sparks!" Wheeljack called up, though I couldn't been seen from down there. My back was pressed against the slant and my arms shaking as they stayed on my side. I was barely able to breathe from the panic that had taken hold of my mind before I could even think. This is NOT what I had asked for Miko!

I peer around corner to see Ratchet staring at Wheeljack.

"Is she what you meant by 'con-person'?" He asked

"Yes, but she's not a con."

"That's not what her distress signal said."

"They changed it, that's all, I swear, she's not a con."

"Well... we'll see what Optimus thinks of this."

"No!" Both Miko and Wheeljack shouted.


"You guys aren't even supposed to know she exists, just let her wrap her head around it before we tell Optimus." Wheeljack said.

I could feel the panic taking over my thoughts again. My hands shook so badly I couldn't even grip the edge of the rafter. I didn't think as I raised my hand once more. Washers and nuts fell from above and I could hear them clang against Ratchet's head and shoulders. Then the elevator door exploded after I sent a blast towards it. I don't bother using a line and just jump across the distance landing hard on the grate floor. I step into the shaft and use a rope to go up.

"SPARKS!" Wheeljack shouted after me. They're probably watching me on their cameras. I can hear the panic in my breath as I run across the plateau of their base. Blue glitter taking shape around me. I jump at the edge as everything reaches its final form, and a small jet solidifies and takes off.

I let it disintegrate and form a ratty looking old car around me. It lands with a lurch, but still works. I drive it into town from the opposite direction and leave it half a mile from home. I walk to my house and go to the trellis beneath my window. I climb up it and collapse onto the floor. Getting away has helped calm my nerves... but my arms are still shaking and I'm still terrified. What if they tell Optimus? W-what if... what if he comes... looking...? What am I supposed to do then?

I grab a duffel bag from my closet and shove some clothes inside, along with a few sketchbooks, pens, pencils, and my energon supply. I scribble on a piece of paper and leave it on my dresser. I zip the bag shut and jump from the window. I catch myself on the trellis before dropping the last foot. I throw down a motorcycle and pull up my hood. I strap the duffel into place before getting on. Flashes of the last few days run through my mind and I can feel my head begin to pound. It's been too long since I last drew. With a heavy sigh, I drive towards where I'd ditched my real car. Seeing the outcrop, I swerve off the road and skid to a halt. I can feel my heart pounding as panic starts to float into my mind.

"Hey Sparks, can we talk?" Arcee asks.

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