Chapter Ten - Wrecker's Gotta Bail

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"MIKO?!" I shout again. "What the SCRAP ARE YOU DOING HERE?!"

"Uh... what are YOU doing here?"

"Wheeljack!" I snap as I stalk towards Miko.

"I didn't know she was here."

"Sure," I agree sarcastically. "Get ready to call for a bridge." A con ran around the corner and I put my palm towards them. With a bang they dropped to the floor. I could hear more coming. I glance at my arm and mutter a curse under my breath. An entire squadron was heading this way.

"Cool..." Miko breathed as I threw a mustang down and it surrounded her, trapping her in the passenger seat. "Woah..."

"Miko, do not get out of this car!" I shout. I run out and slide to a stop in front of the cons. "Hi!" I call with a cheerful smile. "Have you seen my good for nothing co-commander?"

They stared down at her for a moment. Their optics focused and they pointed their cannons at me.

"Well that's disrespectful. You know I could pull rank, right?" I ask before firing and sending a rope around one of the con's necks. I pull back with my shield and yank the con forward while throwing myself into the air. I barely manage to land on a con's shoulders and slice through its neck with a long blade. Before the body drops, I reach into the wound and connect my arm to it's energon supply. Blue shimmers around me as a controller and chair form around me. I grab the controller and bring the con's canon up to the others.

Then I spammed the trigger.

The cons dropped like flies. I disconnect the tube from my arm and jump off the falling body. The mustang I'd trapped Miko in raced through the minefield below. I dropped onto the roof and phased through the ceiling into the driver's seat.

Miko screamed as I took control and picked up the speed.

"CHRISSY?! What's happening?!" Miko shouted.

"Wheeljack, what's your position?" I ask, ignoring her.

"CHrissy! I have a right to know!"

"No, you don't." I snap. "Wheeljack! Answer me!"

"The control room, or at least, that's where I'm headed. Starscream has it there."

"Fallback." I snap. "You are getting Miko home, I'll deal with Starscream."

"No, Sparks."

"Wheeljack! MIKO is here!" I shout. "You will get her home. I will get whatever Starscream has."

"Sparks, it's very dangerous—"

"All the more reason for you to get Miko out of here!"

"What about you?" Miko asked.

"I'll be fine." She phased the car through the floor and let it dissipate, replacing it with the shield that broke their fall.

"Chrissy, what's happening?" Miko asked. She sounded... scared.

"I'm getting you to safety." I respond, as though it was obvious, because it was... wasn't it?

"I mean with you! How long have you known about autobots?"

"Longer than you."

"Is Wheeljack your guardian?"

"More like she's mine." Wheeljack said as he walked around the corner.

"Miko, this is very important," I say, grabbing her shoulder and staring into her eyes. "You cannot tell anyone anything about this. Do you understand?"

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