Chapter Eighteen - Out of my Mind

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"I was starting to think you wouldn't show." Arcee answered with a slight grin.

"What game are you guys playing?" Miko asked the boys, completely ignoring me.

"Oh great..." Ratchet sighed, "another one."

"I'm sure you'll come to enjoy my presence." I mutter sarcastically as I walk towards the stairs.

"Why are you here, Chrissy?" Raf asked while Miko tried desperately to defeat him in the racing game.

"Arcee invited me."

"Why? How'd you find out about the autobots?" Jack asked.

"Uh... it's complicated..." I say as I lean against the railing at the top of the stairs.

"They found out about her!" Miko said before shouting at the tiny screen. Jack looked doubtful but didn't pry. The groundbridge opened and I glanced at it. Bumblebee walked out and Raf abandoned the game as his guardian walked over. I flinched slightly as Optimus Prime stepped out of the groundbridge.

"How'd it go?" Arcee asked.

"We were unsuccessful in locating the plans."

"And are we sure the decepticons don't have them?" Ratchet asked.

"Wheeljack said it'd been erased." Bulkhead said.

"Are you talking about the plans for the requiem blaster?" I asked, Optimus taking notice of me for the first time.

"Yeah, why?" Bulkhead asked.

"There's no chance of Starscream building them unless he can find the original source of the plans."

"And how do you know that?" Ratchet asked.

"Because I'm the one who destroyed them."

"Jackie didn't mention that..." Bulk said.

"He had a... more pressing matter to attend to."

"I didn't know where he was going!" Miko said.

"Like I said, a more pressing matter."

"Arcee, is this Cliffjumper's friend you told me of?"


"What is your name?" He asked, looking down at me.

"Depends. Do you want a human name or a bot name?"

"Are you not a human?"

"Depends on who you ask... Starscream seems to think so, Megatron not so much."

"How did you manage to destroy the requiem blaster plans?"

"I used an access code."

"Where did you get an access code?" Ratchet asked.

"Got lucky..."

"Who did the code belong too?" Arcee asked.


"Hold up, you're a con?" Jack asked.

"Former, and it's not like I had a choice."

"Hey Chrissy," Miko said, "did you see the plans before you erased them?"


"And we're looking for the plans, right?" She looked behind her at Bulkhead.

"Yeah, but who's gonna remember that?" Arcee asked

"Why do you even want the plans? Even if Ratchet can make it, there's always the chance that it'll fall to the cons and if Megatron gets ahold of it... you won't get it back." I say.

"That's a fair point. But if we can get the plans, then we will have an advantage." Optimus said.

I sigh. "Raf let me see your laptop."

"Uh... okay." He pulled out his laptop and handed it to me. I plug it into Ratchet's computer system and open the drawing app. I can feel the heavy gazes of the autobots on me as I use the computer to sketch out the plans that had been floating inside my mind for far too long. Within ten minutes I have the plans finished. I can see Ratchet's gears turning as he stares at them.

"There's your advantage. But the energon it'll take to run that for ten seconds could run the con's ship for a year."

"How did you come be part of the decepticon ranks?"

"I was a success in Megatron's eyes... so he kept me close."

"Woah! Megatron's your dad?! That sucks!" Miko yelled.

"Yeah... he's as much my father as Starscream is my brother."

For Everything(on pause)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora