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I deadass been squirt bottle laughing at y'all comments for like 10 minutes now lmfaooo

Jahsehs pov

As soon as I wake up I feel a horrible pain in my head, and I also fail to realize that I'm strapped down to a chair until I attempt to stand up.

And even if I want to stand up my legs feel numb as fuck.

I let out a shaky sigh and just wait, until I finally hear the door unlock.

I feel my heart drop as Turner walks in.

"What happened.."

I mumble, trying to ingore the pounding in my head. My brain was foggy so I don't even know how I got here.

"Well let's just say you made a mistake and you're going to pay."

"Kill me. I don't care." I snap, turning my head away.

"You know you care, jahseh."

I go silent, sighing. "Sooo what did I do. Oh, wait didn't I kill your dumbass psycho husband who happened to try and also kill me and six, and tortured her for years." "If you ask me, he deserved it." I say. "Now let me go."

"You know I have all the power here. I get to decide whether you live or die, I also get to decide whether your little girlfriend six gets to live or die, so I suggest you shut the fuck up and listen."

I narrow my eyes, sighing. "Ok. But explain where the hell I am."

"You're in a jail that primarily holds menaces like you." She says, giving me a dirty look. "My husband stole a child here years ago. Six. She has power beyond her own knowledge so he wanted to study how to get her power. He did, and he figured out he was being far complex and all he needed was her blood. Then he wanted to kill her afterwards.. but, he also realized soon that if she died he would die also because of her blood in his system- meaning he had to lock her up... forever. She escaped while he was doing the transition and he did not get the power... thing is he would of never been able to. Six gets to dechiper whether or not that happens, not that she knows that. What you don't know is that her blood was not only in that tube but the blood of a few other supernaturals with far different powers than six, and they don't get to decide where their power goes so now you hold who knows how many elements. You are a threat so we must keep you locked away."

i can't even comprehend what's going on. "you're saying I'm gonna be here forever?"

"atleast you'll have six with you." she smiles "but sad you'll be chained to a wall, meaning affection is limited."

"Stop this fucking bullshit you bitch! You are not gonna lock me up for the rest of my fucking life!"

"Your life is gonna be an awful lonnng time.. sad. Alexa, play despacito."

Despacito starts playing and I frown "I hate that fucking song. And what do you mean."

"Oh, you didn't know? You're immortal now. The only way you can die is if I can kill six- but, I need her alive. Lucky for you."

I feel a needle go into my arm. "Ow. Not fucking again." I then black out.. for the second time.

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