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Six's pov
"What the fuck is going on?!" The boy pants as he struggles to keep up with me in the hallway.

"None of your business." I say as I quickly run into my dorm room.

I slam the door on him and lock it.

"Hey! Let me in, I want answers!" I roll my eyes and ignore him.

He keeps on banging nonstop and I cover my ears.

He's gonna get me fucking caught.

I unlock the door and cross my arms, angrily staring at him. "Alright, I'll fucking explain, but you better not tell a soul. If you do I will find you and fucking slit your throat personally and watch you bleed out, got it?"

He ponders "Uh, alright..."

He sits down on the bed and i relock the door. "Alright."

Jahsehs pov
This girl interests me and I sit down on the bed, anticipating for her to start.

"Basically I'm a lab rat. These... evil fuckers experiment on me because I'm different, I have powers that nobody can explain why I have. My whole family is dead so it would be no use looking for them. I escaped and they know where I am, they're trying to find me but I can't let them.. I just can't." She says.

I stare at her and then start laughing. "Are you on drugs?"

"No what the fuck! I tell you everything and you then disrespect me like this?!"

I laugh even harder "powers?" I start wheezing and she face palms.

She grabs my hand and flips over her wrist, putting it in my hand.

"See that, that's my number. Six."

The tattoo reads "006" I quirk my brow. "So your name is... six?"

"Yes." She then shows me the barcode on her shoulder.

I ponder "you're actually telling the truth..."

"Finally you-"

"I still don't think you have powers"

"Fine, I'll prove it to you."

I watch as she focuses all her attention on one item, a book.

It starts to levitate and she brings it over to me, laying it in my lap.

My mouth drops.

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