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Six's pov
We end up watching some cheesy romantic movie, and he falls asleep halfway through. I study his face and he honestly looks adorable.

He's drooling slightly and his head is resting on my shoulder. I sigh.

I hope they don't find me..

I hear a knock on the door and I quirk my brow. I lay his head down somewhere else and go towards it.

I open the door just a tad to see who's out there. A tall girl with extremely pale skin, brown hair and brown eyes stands outside.

"Yes?" I say and open the door I'll, studying her.

"Im here for jahseh.." she says and leans against the doorway.

"He's..." I look towards the couch where he's out cold. "Busy." I smile.

She shakes her head "I. Don't. Care." She says in a angry tone, I stand my ground.

"Who the fuck are you anyways?"

"I'm his girlfriend!"

"He doesn't have a girlfriend dumbass, you're just someone he fucks for fun. Nothing else."

"Bitch move out of my w-" Jahseh pushes past me.

"Veronica what do you want." He says and I watch.

"Baby, I just.." She gets closer and whispers in his ear. Whatever she's saying it's definitely dirty.

He pushes her away "I thought I told you I was done with you."


"Leave." She nods and walks away, slumping.

"What was her deal?" We both sit down on the couch.

"A girl I've fucked for a month now. I cut her off because I got tired of her bullshit, she was hella clingy."

"Not into relationships?"

"They're pointless."

"I agree. You always get tired of someone eventually.."

"I'll never be in another one again, I don't wanna get hurt." It goes silent for a second.

"X... look I saw that stuff in the droor..."

jahseh glares at the ground silently. "I know you did." His jaw clenches.


"Don't snoop through my shit again, got it?" He says, his tone cold. The shift in his mood so quick surprised the shit out of me.

"Y-yea.." I say.

The look on his face softens. "I'm sorry. I know you think I'm crazy.. go if you want."

I look at him in his eyes "you're not crazy, don't ever say that." I say putting my hand over his.

He freezes and we look eachother straight in the eyes. He starts to lean in and....

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