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Bitch we literally had a few minutes til we finally got out of this whole place, and that's when we would move into the house he had purchased a while back.

He had offered me to live with him so why not, I had nothing to lose really.

I watched as jahseh socialized with some others and I smiled lightly as he let out one of his cute ass laughs.

I shook my head

Bitch don't think that shit ain nothing bout that man cUtE

I sigh and then feel slightly paranoid, like someone's watching me. I bite my cheek from the inside and look behind my shoulder, but no ones there.

"Whatever.." I mumble and we are finally able to leave the hellhole.

"WOO BITCH WE OUT THIS FUCKING PLACE. FUCK ALL YALL YOU CAN ALL SU-" jahseh forces his hand on my mouth.

"Shut up." He snaps and I just spit all over his hand.

He pulls his hand away and makes a disgusted face, wiping it on his hoodie.

"So how are we gon-" we end up stopping in front of a car.

"So how are we gon-" we end up stopping in front of a car

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"Bitch." I say, looking at the expensive ass car.

He windex bottle laughs at me and I glare at him. He hops in and shuts the door.

I get in on the other side and also shut the door, looking around the inside.

"This is... nice" I say.

He starts playing on the aux, I'm guessing again one of his songs.

Oh she ratchet, I might smash her
Bend her backwards 'cause I'm gonna pass her
Homie on Casper
Geekin' like Dexter
I do magic, no distraction
Yeah, my flows on Destructo Disc
Too afraid to cuff a bitch
These boys on that sucka shit
Feature price went up as shit like-

I quirk my brow at the weird ass song. "How the fuck you go from whispering to screaming on a track and make it sound good."

"I dunno, just my skills" he says, flipping his imaginary hair.


He laughs "what the fuck is nibba? Why don't you just say nigga"

"Um cuz nigga is a weird word.."

"... but still .. who says nibba?"

"Mee bitch have a problem with it?"

"I ain wan no smoke mane" He says pulling in front of a big ass house.

"Uhh this is yours?" I say, looking at it with wide eyes.

"Yeppppp" He says popping the p and dragging it out.

"Yeppppp" He says popping the p and dragging it out

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"Ohmy" I say and we get out. I follow him inside.

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