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We turn a corner to a collection of milling white shirted, black panted people of all ages. A woman with two large bars on her sleeves stops in front of Kathy. "What are you doing in a rescuer dress uniform? You're retired."

"Sorry to disappoint you Jazz, but this is a formal rescuer function and as such all rescuers retired or not can wear their uniformed rank. Secondly, I am the adjudicator today, which means I wear full rescuer rank. Why are you concerned? Administration wasn't cited. All I know about is a possible training issue and an exceptional performance from a rescuer."

She replies, "Kathy, you've a habit of blowing things out of proportion. Don't start it again. You've enough enemies."

An older man steps in beside Kathy. "Excuse us Jazz. I have rescuer assessment updates for General Kathy. Go find your information somewhere else." He hands Kathy a tablet.

Most people focus on the little conference in front of us. They range in age from mid teens to seniors. All are dressed in white shirts and black pants.

Sprinkled generously among a mostly white majority are many skin colors. Glancing quickly at shirts, all have a single name. A majority have one or two squares, while some display disks or a combination of disks and squares. Very few have a full row. The man in conference with Kathy has two full rows and a couple centered under that row. He has two gold stripes on his cuffs half size of Kathy and Orenda's, like the woman Jazz. She is listening carefully a few feet away.

He and Kathy move slowly while whispering. A handful of people move to make a hole as we approach a massive doorway. Kathy turns to us, "I'm sorry I've some last minute things to do." With him at her side, they vanish through a massive door.

Orenda comments, "We've reserved seats. I made arrangements this morning." We follow Orenda through the doorway and step into a huge theater. It reminds me of a large old classic movie theater.

In blocks of three wide, nine large squares of staggered seats slope down to a huge stage. Wide walkways divide each block of seats. Where walkways intersect along walls are massive open double doors. We are on a bottom floor that slopes downward. A balcony ceiling two stories above us extends over half way down our rear block of seats. A ceiling appears to be at least one hundred yards above us. That ornately decorated ceiling reminds me of an old palace style theater.

Orenda indicates Katie and Tiana should slide in the back row. Clair whispers in her ear then heads down a sloping aisle. Orenda turns to me, "Clair will be third you're second. Let's wait a moment. She'll be right back."

I look around. It is half full of seated people. Many others mill in groups near doors or up and down wide aisles. Everyone is in a white shirt with black pants.

Rick holds out his hand to shake Orenda's. Tarin flashes past, up our row of seats to sit farthest down of our group. Rick turns to me. "It's nice to see you again, Tammy." Turning back to Orenda, he adds, "I need to get down there and check in."

I watch as he makes his way down. Clair is coming up toward us while talking to a dark haired woman. She appears to be nineteen or twenty years old. She is a trim, small framed woman with large brown eyes. Clair introduces us, "Sharon, meet Tammy. Tammy, meet Sharon Belkin."

I reach to shake her hand but Sharon stares and a strange look transforms her face. She is not moving.

Clair adds, "Sharon rescued you and your students from the school basement. This is her assessment."

I hug her while tears well in my eyes. All I can say is, "Thank you for saving my life."

Sharon moves her head on my shoulder. She whispers, "I never thought I'd meet someone I rescued." We stand back a half step, hand in hand. A tear start sneaking down her cheek. She looks me over quickly. "I thought you'd die. He said you'd survive. I really didn't believe him."

A commotion breaks us up. I hear a murmur ripple around us. Both of us snap back to reality. I notice everyone is staring at us. Sharon comments, "I'd like to visit you and get to know you better."

"Anytime Sharon, I would like that a lot." She smiles, turns and starts back down the aisle.

Orenda herds Clair to her seat. She half pushes me to my seat and directs me to sit. I lose sight of Sharon in the crowded aisle.

Orenda remains standing, glaring over my shoulder and shaking her head from side to side. I follow her gaze to see a handful of men and women a few yards behind us. Katie, Tarin, and Tiana are standing facing them behind us. Katie, like Orenda, is moving her head side to side.

The men and women stand very still. I suspect they are reporters. They slowly turn and vanish into a crowd of people.

I turn and look up at Orenda. She is looking down at me. I nod my head in thanks. She sits and pats my hand a couple of times. My new friends must be very powerful bodyguards to stop reporters with looks.

Clair leans forward, looking at Orenda with a confused look. She sits back in her chair and her head swivels toward sitting girls. I realize she missed our bodyguards in action. I lean over to her, "They think I overreacted to meeting Sharon."

Clair replies, "I thought it beautifully touching. They teach us that we'll very rarely see a person we save again. From Sharon's reaction, I think you made her day. Are you having a trauma thing?"

"I am fine. I have deep feelings for people who risk their lives to save others. I would be a cop or firefighter if not for my Marine injuries. What is happening down there?" I point toward a stage.

At a large center table on stage, several people huddle around Kathy. They appear to be on a conference call. Clair explains that rescuer commanding officers sit on either side of Kathy. Kathy is like a judge who controls how an assessment proceeds. Just below, where an orchestra would sit, are a couple of rows of almost empty chairs. Witnesses who are going to testify sit there.

Behind those rows of chairs, an ornately carved wooden railing separates spectators from witnesses. Where downward aisles meet the railing, swinging gates allow access.

A massive screen lights everything with a red glow. A white maple leaf surrounded in red must be a hundred yards tall. Looking down, people on stage look like insects compared to the display behind them. The gaggle around Kathy is gone. A huge head and shoulders shot of Kathy fills the screen as her voice roars.

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