A Legend

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She smiles, "You're our future and except for one person at this table, we're the past. I know many people will study what happened here today and perhaps for years to come. Future rescuers will watch what you did to break records. This scenario hasn't always gone as it should. I know. I've been here many times. This is my fourth time as an unannounced observer.

"This is an old scenario that has a lot of experience built into it. That's why you hear stories and the reasons for its nickname, 'Train Horror'. It taught us many lessons. It changed our training many times and influenced rescuers on many things. Rescue suits modifications and ship protection zones are a direct result of this scenario. From dispatch, to how crews move in a rescue transformed. These changes are due to what you just experienced.

"On our first run, I ended up hospitalized for three days due to a concussion. I know legend has it I ended up there because I flew like a bird. That's not true. I was already unconscious. In a feat never duplicated, our founder caught me in midair and redirected me to a soft landing. Have any of you seen that footage?" Around fifty hands go up, mostly white shirts.

"It's amazing to watch. That's a true rescuer, rescuing a rescuer. There are video clips of that scene. The first time running this scenario, we lost twenty seven victims. Five rescuers ended up hospitalized. It took us forty two minutes but proved we are far superior to conventional emergency response in that other world. We can make improvements. We will consider all your suggestions and insights. If we didn't pay attention to them, it'd still take forty two minutes.

"If you think you're good enough, remember our record time for this scenario is fourteen minutes ten seconds. It was the first time we tried some new rescuer positions. In that run, I was what we call a senior ground control rescuer, now a commander rank.

"We're rescuers. We live here and breathe this purpose. Most of you are second or third generation rescuers. We sometimes lose sight of that other world. Imagine being an outsider. What do they see and think as we drop into their lives? We look like we're from outer space and show up at devastating life changing events.

"I didn't get to observe your entire rescue. I have a guest with me. She's an outsider who they released from hospital this morning. She distracted me. I think you need to hear her reaction to what she saw. Please welcome my friend Tammy."

Kathy pulls me to my feet. She caught me completely off guard, I sputter, "Speechless!"

A roar of laughter ripples toward us. "It is true. I am a teacher by profession. A speechless teacher is not good in a classroom of young children."

I pause, "I do not know how to express or put into words what I saw and experienced today. There are not enough English metaphors to express the wonder, shock and inspiration I felt, but you generated in that quarter hour that seemed so much longer. I am a combat veteran with the US Marines. I saw experienced soldiers crack in far less stressful conditions. I watched in awe as you literally ran to help others." I am struggling with my thoughts and confused visions of what I just watched.

Kathy asks, "What's your most vivid or inspirational memory of today?"

"The explosion, I lived through combat experiences like that. The first one left ten dead. My second claimed twelve lives with thirty two badly injured, myself included.

"Your two fire rescuers who were directing water cannons. Flames silhouette them as they warn everyone to get down. They know what is about to happen. A moment later, they fly through the air.

"My most inspirational moment is seeing those two flying firefighters. Blown away, they stand and charge toward hell again. Everyone else picks themselves up after protecting injured. Then you run back out to help others.

"From my experience, your amazing technology aside, when an event that large happens, it takes minutes for people to start responding. You did not stop responding. All of you are the most heroic people I ever saw. A thank you for this awe inspiring glimpse of you in action does not do you justice, but is all I can offer." I move to sit, but Kathy holds me at her side.

As applause wanes, Kathy says, "That's high praise from an outsider. We train to be running toward a disaster while everyone else runs away. Some are naturals. They seem built that way. Others learn to overcome the natural fear.

"I made some huge mistakes today that many of you should know. Tammy, as a guest, shouldn't be here watching you. My worst mistake is I forgot her history in that outside world. I'm lucky enough to know this scenario and remembered her past in time.

"I'd like to show you just how high her praise of you is. Big screen for all to see and put it in split screen format with both views please. Start just before that explosion. Run them in tandem."

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