Epilogue + Subterfuge

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Felix sighed in relief as he sank into his chair.

It felt good to be back in his small room in Brooklyn, with Raven sitting on his bed (as a human, for a change). With all his own stuff, his own chair, his own desk, and his own bed.

Felix's gaze landed on his ring, which he had taken off and put on his desk.

Since the moment Felix had come back through the portal to his own universe, Plague hadn't shut up for a second. Something about 'losing contact' and Felix's ring.

Felix had taken off his ring as an experiment, and found that Plague shut up instantly as a result. So he'd left his ring off during the finishing off of the party, and the goodbyes that followed as everyone went back to their own houses.

But now that everyone was gone, perhaps it was time to listen to what Plague had to say.

He glanced at Raven, who was curled up on Felix's bed.

"Raven, are you okay?"

"Mmmm?" Raven looked up, his black hair a scruffy mess.

"I asked if you were okay," Felix repeated with a small laugh, "I might be lost in thought for a while now, so if I don't answer..."

"I'm fine, and go ahead," Raven replied, "don't mind the cat."

Felix smirked, and slid the ring onto his finger.

WHAT ON EARTH SNOWFLAKES!?!?! Plague's voice hollered.

Felix put his hands over his ears, before realizing that it would be completely pointless.


What, taking my ring off or putting it back on? Because I'm starting to regret the latter already.

NONONO don't take the ring off! We can't communicate without it!

Does my dad know about that?

How am I supposed to know that? If he gave you the ring, I'm guessing YES.

Can you keep the sarcasm down, Plague, and tell me what's happening?

I lost contact with you while you were in that other universe. I could still talk to you in the beginning, but then it was like suddenly the connection died.

Ummm... sorry I guess? Maybe it was because as a pony, I didn't have my ring?

Maybe. But for real though, please don't ever take that ring off again.

Felix frowned.

Why not?

You don't get it, do you? If you take that ring off I can't communicate. Not with you, not with ANYONE.

That... makes no sense.

It doesn't have to.

Felix inspected the ring on his finger, with it's light icy blue stone.

So you're telling me this is more than just a tracking device that my dad gave me to keep an eye on me?

Trust me Frosty, it's so much more.

... What else can it do?

A lot, but we'd have to be in the same universe for it to work.

Which universe is that?

I... I can't say. Sorry. It's against the rules. And your dad would probably slaughter me.

Blinded [Book 2 in the Frost Series] ✓completedWhere stories live. Discover now