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He wasn't sure when the sound had begun, but only that he'd been subconsciously aware of it for a while already. Eventually it pitched over to an audible level, and Bucky closed his eyes to be able to absorb the sound and locate it.

But he couldn't; it was too soft. All he knew was that it was music with words, but it was only that bass that carried to him properly.

As he open his eyes, he caught a movement in his peripheral vision.

He turned as quickly as he could, but saw nothing. After a few seconds of intense staring, he allowed his gaze to draw back and scan the surroundings, leaving no spot unstudied; a skill he had mastered back when he tracked down his prey as an assassin.

He heard a seperate soft hum from a little closer, and closer his eyes again to focus on the sound.


"Who's there?" Bucky demanded monotonously, and the humming stopped instantly. He could still hear the soft music in the background, but he focused on that one humming sound.

Bucky opened his eyes again, taking a step towards where the sound had come from.

"I know you're there," he continued, raising his voice just a little.

"Shoot," a soft whisper came from behind a large boulder.

A soft whisper... with an accent.

A Sokovian accent.

Bucky sighed.

"Did Steve send you after me?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about," the rock answered, "but if, say, I was a pony, I would probably say no. Just a hunch. But I am a rock, soooo..."

A small grin flickered on Bucky's face, but he immediately forced it away.

"Pietro Maximoff, maybe I should teach you something about hiding."

"I am a rock," the rock repeated, "but you may try."

"First of all, don't speak until you're one hundred percent sure they've seen you."

"You were staring at me, of course you'd seen me."

"Actually, that's not a guarantee at all," Bucky went on, "people — and ponies — overlook the most obvious details. So wait until you're 100% sure."

Bucky paused.

"Then, if you're found, don't try convincing people that you're a rock."

A blue leg stuck up above the rock.


"But I really am a rock!"

Bucky groaned.

"Give up Pietro, you're no good at hiding."

"Am too," Pietro sulked.

"Fine then, why don't we play a game of hide and seek? Maybe we'll find out where this cheerful music is coming from amidst this rubble."

"Isn't that just Peter's music?"

Bucky blinked.

"Which Peter?"

"Could be either, but seeing as how we only have Parker here, I meant him."

"I doubt it," Bucky shook his head, "maybe Johnny, but I doubt Peter even has his music stuff with him."


"And come out from behind that rock."

"I AM A ROCK! But if you wish, I could sent away this blue pony trying to hide behind me, yes?"

Blinded [Book 2 in the Frost Series] ✓completedWhere stories live. Discover now