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The cell door slammed loudly, and Rue winced.

"There goes that plan..."  Raven groaned, "now we need saving again."

Loki trotted up to the only mattress lying on the floor, lying down with a content sigh.

Felix frowned.

"Maybe we should focus on getting out?" he suggested.

"Not now," Loki mumbled, closing his eyes, "I need a nap. You guys can brainstorm, if you like. Maybe Steve has some good ideas."

"Steve?" Bruce repeated.

"Who's there?!" an all too well-known voice echoed back from the cell across the passage.

"STEVE! Is Sam there too?" Rue enquired.

"Yeah, I'm here," Falcon answered, "and so is Snowflakes's girlfriend, if you meant her."

"Who else?" Bruce enquired, trying to identify them in the dimly lit cell.

"Clint and me," Johnny answered, lighting up so that Bruce could see them clearly.

"And Stuart," Steve added, and Johnny's flames flickered uncertainly for a moment, as if reflecting his own uncertainty.

"Stuart and Sam are still unconscious though," Clint noted.

"Well at least we found them," Becca commented sarcastically, "now we just have to get us all out of here!"

"Who's there with you?" Falcon enquired.

"Becca, Rue, Felix, Raven and me," Bruce answered.

"Did anyone steal the keys from Calypso by any chance?" Becca enquired,

"No," Rue shook her head, "that would've been a good idea. Which reminds me Raven... what was Calypso talking about? You not telling me who you really are?"

Raven's cheeks burned a bright red.

"Does... does that have to be discussed now?" he enquired, glancing to Felix for help.

Becca raised an eyebrow.

"Perhaps it should. How else can we be sure that you're trustworthy?"

"We could have him try to lift Mjölnir," Bruce joked in an attempt to lighten the mood.

Felix took a deep breath.

"Raven... maybe you should just tell them."

"Me?" Raven squeaked, "why can't you tell them?"

Becca snorted.

"If you keep this up you won't even have to say anything to prove you're a coward."

Raven's ears flattened into his neck as he turned to face the wall.

Sam and Stuart chose that moment to finally wake up again.

"What's happening?" Sam asked, and Johnny pointed to the opposite cell.

"Rue and some other guy are in an argument."

"I was starting to like you, you know," Rue snapped, "but I see you're just as untrustworthy as everyone else here. By the Capitol, is there anyone here who hasn't lied to me yet?" 

"By the Norns, can't just lot just keep it down?" Loki complained.

"Wait, Loki's there too?" Clint asked.

"YES!" Loki answered, "now SHUT the Muspelheim UP!!"

A guard trotted into the passage, stopping in between the two cells.

Blinded [Book 2 in the Frost Series] ✓completedKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat