Chapter Divergent... I mean Four

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Guys, I have no idea what happened, but apparently Blinded is already in #16th place out of the 100 books with the #dimension tag! I guess I'm doing something right after all... Anyway, keep recommending this to friends who might enjoy it, although you might want to tell them to read Frost first, for all the obvious [spoiler-related] reasons.


But seriously, thanks you all, it means a lot to me.

LET THE FROSTINESS — uhm... oh right. New book. I need a new catchphrase. Any ideas?

Anyway... just read it.


When Felix opened his eyes, accompanied by a low groan, he could barely see anything as his eyes adjusted to the brightness around him.

The sky was a bright blue, almost too bright. Was is physically possible for a sky to be that blue?

"Felix?" Loki's cool and casual voice snapped Felix out of his thoughts.

"I'm awake," Felix replied.

He listened as his father got up, probably dusting himself off.

A sound from another direction announced that another person had woken up.


Bucky, it seemed.


You'd take time to appreciate the fact both your fathers' first words upon awakening were your names, but I suppose this isn't the moment.

No Plague, it's not.

He got up slowly, before registering that something was very, very, very wrong.

Not only was the sky too blue, but the grass was too green. No grass on Earth could physically be that green, it just wasn't possible.

"Breathe Felix," Loki advised, and Felix took a sharp breath, not having realized he was holding his breath to begin with.

This can't be happening... I'm dreaming... Please let this be me hallucinating...

Sorry buddy, but this is real. I should know, I don't have access to your subconscious...

You're kidding right, Plague? You're permanently meddling with my subconscious.

You didn't let me finish, Snowflakes. I don't have access to your thoughts or subconscious... WHEN YOU'RE ASLEEP. And if you're hallucinating I would know. So yeah, you're just going to have to face it; you are now in My Little Pony.


Oh, you didn't notice that part yet? Oops, spoilers. My bad.


Blinded [Book 2 in the Frost Series] ✓completedWhere stories live. Discover now