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"Am I doing okay?" Becca asked, glancing sideways at Loki, and for the hundredth time, Loki rolled his eyes.

"Yes, you're doing fine."

 I should've sent Felix with her. Then HE'D be here, stuck in an elevator with Becca and her endless questions.

It was just Loki and Becca in the elevator, headed towards a demonstration or meeting of some sort that Hurricane Shade had called them to. Loki had, with all his usual trickery, bluffing and subtle smooth talking, managed to get himself promoted to Becca's bodyguard slash assistant. Of course he was still in disguise — if Hurricane had recognized him, she'd have had him locked up again in an instant. 

Becca had been suited up with the standard uniform of the Rebel Ponies, which was what Hurricane Shade called her little "Resistance Squad". Said "Resistance Squad" consisted of at least half a thousand ponies that were ready to obey any order from Hurricane, and was certainly not 'little'.

 Said "Resistance Squad" consisted of at least half a thousand ponies that were ready to obey any order from Hurricane, and was certainly not 'little'

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(^^^ I was bored, so I traced it XD)

All in all, it had taken them at least an hour to get ready, but now they were finally on their way to Hurricane Shade.

"Are you sure we shouldn't just switch over to plan L?" Becca enquired, fidgeting nervously.

"You'll be fine," Loki repeated, "Plan Loki is only for if you completely lose it. You're just nervous, it's normal. Trust me, I've been in plenty of similar situations. Just put on your best glare, and do as I say."

"Plan GH then?" Becca asked.

Loki growled.

"We are not doing Plan GH. That's for when we need to escape, and for the moment this is the perfect cover."

Becca managed a small smirk.

"It does always work though."

Loki snorted.

"It's functional. Nothing more."

Becca smiled, but her smile fell away as she remembered her situation.

"But... what if I can't do it?"

"Do what?" Loki enquired.

"You know... whatever Hurricane is expecting me to do."

Loki hesitated, studying Becca.

"I have a plan," he suggested.

"Plan FTSIO?"

"What?" Loki frowned.

"Well, all your earlier plans were acronyms so..."

Loki raised an eyebrow and rolled his eyes at the same time.

"Then I'll call it Plan S."

"Plan... Something?"

"Plan Skyfall."

Blinded [Book 2 in the Frost Series] ✓completedWhere stories live. Discover now