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Rue paused, panting, and Raven slowed to halt to wait for her.

"That went less well than expected," Felix noted dryly, and Loki shrugged.

"It was a risk."

"How can you two take this so lightly?" Applejack demanded, "your friends have been captured by rogues, and the city that was your only hope lies in ruins!"

"But we have each other," Loki replied, "and to be fair, I have only one priority right now. Get Felix home. With or without me."

Felix went a little red, and Applejack frowned.

"He... is he your..."

"Felix is the only family Loki has left," Bruce explained, and a flash of guilt seemed to spark in Loki's eyes.

"He's my son," he corrected, "and Laufeysons stick together."

He paused, his gaze resting on the horizon where they'd left the other Avengers.

"But I will do anything in my power to take Wanda and the others with me."

"Enough drama," Becca rolled her eyes, "we need an actual plan this time."

"We need to follow those ponies, not run away from them."

They turned at the voice, to see Bucky standing behind them.

"Reinforcements have arrived," Felix noted, "are you a one-man army, Bucky, or did you bring some more warriors for us?"

"I brought one," Bucky replied, "not sure if he counts as a warrior though."

A blue blur knocked Bucky off his feet, before stopping in front of Loki and Felix.

"I am certain I count as a warrior," Pietro claimed, raising his chin proudly.

"We'll see about that," Loki mumbled.

"Follow the rogues, you said?" Rue repeated Bucky's earlier words, "but... we'll risk being caught."

"Every battle has risks," Loki quoted wisely, "the trick is to pick the right ones."

"And how do you know which risks are the right ones?" Raven enquired, and Felix grinned.

"...you wait to see who wins. Dad, have you been reading my Ranger's Apprentice books?"

"Not relevant right now, Felix. So we follow them, clandestine I'm assuming."


"Undercover, Raven."


"...and then what?" Becca enquired.

Loki smirked.

"We free everyone, get out of there, and find Flashlight Shimmer."

"Twilight Sparkle," Bruce and Applejack corrected quietly.

"That's a very simple plan," Raven criticised.

"Simple plans are the best," Loki shrugged.

"He's definitely been reading my books..." Felix mumbled, "what's next, trust the cloak?"

"I would prefer to trust my illusions, but if you were to refer to them as cloaking devices, then trust the cloak works too."

"Ready?" Pietro enquired impatiently, "wanna race to the rogues?"

He received several disappointed glares, and grinned.

"I'll take it easy on you, I promise."

More glares.

Blinded [Book 2 in the Frost Series] ✓completedWhere stories live. Discover now