Chapter Cinq

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"Do you have any idea where we're going?" Becca enquired.

"Of course I do!" Loki snapped.

"No he doesn't," Bruce replied.

"Stay out of it Banner."

"Who's watched my little pony the most recently?" Becca enquired.

"Not me," Rue and Raven chorused.

"I wouldn't waste my precious time watching such ridiculous mortal shows," Loki scoffed, "Besides, there's no TV's on Asgard."

"Don't look at me," Felix shrugged, "I'm with him."

"I haven't seen it since I was six," Becca answered her own question, "And I barely remember a thing. Except Rainbow Dash, he was my favourite."

"He's a she," Bruce corrected.

"And how would you know that?" Felix enquired, raising an eyebrow.

"I... uhm... Clint and I agreed that Thor needed to learn some things about Earth's culture, so... uhm..."

"No wonder my brother's been such a... bilchsteim since he started staying the Tower," Loki rolled his eyes, "you Avengers really are a bad influence. There was a time when he would've destroyed Jotunheim by my side, but now..."

"I think we can all agree it was for the best that Jotunheim wasn't destroyed when it was," Becca reasoned.

"And besides, all the Frost Giants are extinct now anyway, aren't they?" Bruce continued.

Loki glared at him, a glare that could've melted solid ice.

"Except... well... you and Felix, of course."

"Next topic," Felix announced quickly, "is that a barn over there?"

"No it isn't," Loki replied without looking, "the barn is on your right, not your left."

"How did you..."

"Just listen," Loki ordered, and they all quietened down to listen.

Raise this barn, raise this barn,

One, two, three, four,

Together, we can raise this barn,

One, two, three, four,

"Is that... singing?" Rue frowned.

"Yes," Loki replied, "I've been following the sound for a while now, and it seems it's led us into the right direction. That is, if that barn is the right direction."

"Wait a minute!" Bruce exclaimed, "I know that song! That must be the Apples' barn."

"The Apples' barn?" Raven echoed in confusion.

"Wait, who are you?" Bruce squinted at Raven, "sorry, I don't recognise your voice."

"Raven," Felix and Raven chorused.

"Ray," Becca and Rue answered.

They glared at one another angrily, and Loki rolled his eyes.

"His name is Raven, Ray for short, and he's a friend of Felix's that somehow managed to get mixed up in this whole mess. Now are we going to that barn or not?"


Sam rubbed her eyes, blinking a few times to clear her vision. What had happened?

"Is everyone okay?" Steve called across the field.

Blinded [Book 2 in the Frost Series] ✓completedWhere stories live. Discover now