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So... one a scale of one to ten, how confused were you by last chapter's chapter title? ;-)

I know, I know, I'm confusing. In case you haven't noticed, I'm doing ever title's number in a different language 'cuz I didn't feel like making a code but have an obsession with creativity. (This chapter's is in Latin)

I'm weird. I know.


Loki stepped onto the farm premises with his usual dignity, only to have a pie flung into his direction which he could barely dodge.

The scowl that flashed across his face would've been icy enough to freeze helium, but it was gone within a split-second as he took a deep breath, counted to ten and walked forwards.

"Have you been teaching my father anger management techniques?" Felix enquired, giving Bruce a strange look.

"He's a natural," Bruce replied proudly.

"What in the name of HYDRA...?" Becca muttered.

"Who's Hydra?" Raven enquired.

"Hopelessly yvil dramatic raiding assassins," Felix answered quickly.

"Felix, evil starts with an e, not a y," Becca corrected.

"Well HYDRA doesn't have an e, unless you make it HYDREA, and you certainly can't just leave out the evil part."

They conversation was halted when a second pie flashed by Loki, who sidestepped it neatly, so that it smashed into Bruce's face instead.

"This would be a great time to practice those anger management techniques," Loki noted dryly over his shoulder, before continuing forwards, subtly dodging an entire barrage of pies.

"Where are these even coming from?" Rue enquired, jumping aside as another pie flew by.

"Don't ask me," Bruce replied through gritted teeth, "I can't see."

He wiped the pie remains out of his face, and Becca snorted.

"Over there," Loki replied casually, gesturing to three small ponies that were actively attacking each other with pies. Their aim, however, was not so brilliant, so anyone that came within several metres was at risk of being covered in pie. In fact, a few moments later Felix doubted whether they were still aiming at each other.

"Scootaloo!" a loud voice scolded.

"Applejack!" Bruce exclaimed instantly.

"Applejack?" Raven and Rue chorused in confusion.

"Applejack?" Becca frowned.

"Yes?" Applejack enquired, turning to face the odd companionship in confusion.

"Can I help y'a—"

Her sentence was cut off by another pie, which was, for a change, aimed perfectly.

As Applejack scraped the remains of pie from her face, much like Bruce had done earlier, the three ponies tried to dash off. It would probably be best not to be too close to Applejack anytime soon.

But before they'd even gone half a meter they were stopped, unable to move any further. They wrestled and tried to run, but a force of green energy stopped them from moving.

Applejack walked up to them slowly.

"I suppose we'll have to say what Granny Smith says 'bout this," she threatened, and the three little ponies winced.

Blinded [Book 2 in the Frost Series] ✓completedWhere stories live. Discover now