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"What do I do with this?" Calypso enquired, holding Felix's backpack between her teeth.

Sam turned around, taking in the backpack with a surprised frown.

"That's Felix's!"

"I know that," Calypso answered, although it came out a bit more like "I nohw dat" because her mouth was full. She dropped the backpack, spitting out the weird taste it had given off.

"Where did you get that?" Sam demanded.

"It was just lying around," Calypso shrugged.

"What is it?" Valóra enquired.

"Felix's backpack," Calypso replied, while Sam stared at the bag in something near shock.

"Sam?" Valóra raised an eyebrow, "are you okay?"

"Wait, how long ago did you find this?"

"A few minutes ago."

"How far away from where we... landed?"

"No idea. Not very close, though. Does it matter?"

"Of course it does!" Sam exclaimed, "that means we're going in the right direction."

"Or it means that it was in hallway of the Tower, which is about as far away from the party room as this bag was from where we landed."

"Hmpf," Sam snorted, "and then why haven't we found all of Tony's garderobe lying around on the grass then? Why would Felix's backpack teleport along and not any other inanimate objects?"

"Except some clothes, Bucky's arm, probably Becca's arm too, Bruce's glasses..."

"But they were all attached to loving beings."

"Living beings," Calypso corrected, "and who says Felix doesn't keep his pet cat in his bag?"

"He has a pet cat?" Valóra and Sam chorused.

"You didn't know that?" Calypso exclaimed, "ouch Sam, your relationship has crashed since you're back. Back in Star Wars you were all lovey-dovey, and now that you're back on Earth Felix can get visited by an assassin's daughter and get a pet cat without you knowing."

Valóra backed out of the conversation slowly, bumping into Ben Grimm, a.k.a. the Thing , in the process.

"Oh, sorry," she mumbled.

"Technically we're not on Earth anymore," Sam snapped back to Calypso, "thanks to you!"

"That's okay," Ben replied with a small smile.

"It wasn't my idea," Calypso shrugged, "and besides, if I'd known the result I would've done it anyway. You have no idea how boring it is having only that mewling quim JARVIS to talk to."

Valóra glanced back at the arguing ponies.

"Who's idea was it then?" Sam demanded.

"They're vicious, aren't they?" she commented dryly, sparking another smile.

"Johnny's, duh."

"Very," Ben replied.

"Did I hear my name?" Johnathan Storm, aka the Human Torch, enquired as he swept past above them, "Because I am on FIIIIIIIREEEEEE!!!!"

"How many fire puns does he make on a daily basis?"

"Why would he do that?" Sam enquired sceptically.

Blinded [Book 2 in the Frost Series] ✓completedWhere stories live. Discover now