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As the troops scoured the city for survivors, Steve searched for Bucky and Pietro. Clint had found tracks that probably belonged to Bucky near a large rock, and pacing tracks behind it that could've been Pietro's, but no sign of either pony.

"Where could they have gone?" Steve gritted his teeth in frustration, "I can't... I can't lose him again."

"Relax Capsicle," Clint replied calmly, "we're not losing anybody. I have a family to get back to, and if you freak out now you'll only make this whole affair last longer."

"I'm not freaking out," Steve replied.

"Oh really?" Johnny enquired, floating just above Steve, "'cuz it sounded like you were."

Steve groaned.

"Storm, go search for survivors."

"And what if I don't?"

"You sound just like my son when you say that."

"Are you comparing me to a reckless teen?"

"Yes, yes I am. And he's not reckless, just... idk..."

"Whoah, Steve, did you just speak in text talk?" Falcon enquired, appearing out of nowhere to hover beside Johnny.

"Yep," Johnny noted, tilting his head, "wow, desperate much?"

"Stop it you two, we don't have time for this!" Steve ordered, "innocent civilians could be dying while you two play around!"

"That sounds a bit more like the Steve I know," Sam grinned.

"America First, the wellbeing of his team second."

Steve turned around to face Clint.

"And that goes for you too."

Clint shrugged.

"Whatever you say, Soldier. Anybody know where Natasha is?"

Johnny shook his head, switching off his fire and dropping to the ground surprisingly quietly.


They were silent, and a shiver ran through Clint's flank.

"Is it just me or is it too quiet?"

Johnny glanced around nervously.

"I agree."

Steve twitched his ears, catching the sound of hooves pattering towards them.

"Someone's coming."

"Which direction?" Falcon, who was still floating somewhere above them, enquired.

Steve pointed, and Falcon squinted, moving slightly in the direction of the sound.

"Two ponies," he reported, "I think... I think it's Other Sam and Stuart."

Nobody saw Johnny jump slightly at the names.

"How sure are you?"

"Pretty sure. 88%?"

"You just said 88% because that's the inverse of twelve percent, didn't you?" Clint asked dryly, and Falcon smirked.

"Yeah, probably."

The two ponies crested a pile of rubble, galloping at full speed towards Steve and the others.

"Wait a minute..." Steve muttered, "where is everybody else?"

"You mean... Natasha?"




Blinded [Book 2 in the Frost Series] ✓completedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin