New world (Edited)

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Heroes, Demon lord? What's this guy on. Everyone else was just as confused as me seeing their blank faces and terrified expressions, some people even started breaking down thinking they died while some seem excited. Everyone from my class seem to be here and a few from the other classes as well. Mia, and Zuko we're nervously looking around and Riri locking on to my arms trembling .

I was staring at what seem to be an old Man in Priest clothing standing on a large cylinder platform with fancy stairs coming down from the sides. Examining us to see if we look qualified.
I look around trying to assess the situation, it seem we were in this massive room with large statues inside the walls, orbs of light floating in mid air, people near the edges of the room holding..... what look like swords and shields. Then everything started making since after the Priest spoke.

"Greetings heroes from another world!!! I am the high priest responsible for summoning you and as well as your caretaker, Some of you may have already notice that this isn't your original world. We asked the gods to summon you all here to help us in are fight against the demons. If something isn't done then the world as we know it will be destroyed, but of course we're not asking you to help for nothing we do plan on compensating you for your assistance. You'll be treated as nobles and have everything you desire"

I figured it was something like that and by the sound of it they aren't able to send us back either. Everyone else started talking amongst themselves. They weren't speaking up asking questions and I knew some were skeptical, they were probably afraid of what would happen to them so I guess I had to be their representative.

"Why exactly do we have to risk are lives for a world that's not are own. We're not so gullible as to say yes just because you asked us" they dragged us here against our will to fight in their war, that's pretty selfish if you ask me.

The Priest glared at me then smiled as he started making his way down to us.

"I take it you speak for everyone else"

"That's right"

"Humph....very well, I'll tell you. If the demons lords successfully wipe out our realm then they would have the means to continue their conquest and travel to other worlds, and if they evade your world can you say with confidence that you can stop them" He finally makes his way in front of us.

After hear that everyone was Astonish. They couldn't believe what they heard or how to cope with it. They thought about what would happen if demons did raid our world and panic, especially those who watches a lot of movies and anime, they let their imagination run wild.

"But fear not heroes because here in our world you will have the power to defeat the demons and save not only our world but yours as well"

With that he managed to calm everyone and continue to preach on and on how we can save the world. But I wasn't convinced, I know scumbags when I see them. Then I felt a tight squeeze on my arm.

"Are you alright, your eyes are kind of scary right now" it was Riri. I didn't know she was still holding on to me, so I smiled.

"Yea I'm fine, nothing to worry your pretty little head over" I said then as I pat her head. She then blushes.

"O-ok" she still continues to hold on to me but I was more concerned about the Priest in front of me.

"Alright everyone why don't you all follow me now" the Priest said with a grand smile.

Even if everyone decided to save this world I wasn't going to stop my questioning, So I found out more about this world.

We were summon in a kingdom called [The Ceston Empire]. A kingdom ruled by humans. This world has three great kingdoms making the Ceston Empire one of them. [The A'ranlona Kingdom] and [The Torica Kingdom]. All with power to rival each other.

The A'ranlona Kingdom is ruled by elves and the Torica Kingdom is ruled by beastmen, along with other small kingdoms of different race they form an alliance to stop the demon lords army and send them back to the demon realm. It seems that there's portals to the demon world Throughout the world spewing demon out. He also said this world operates using magic power and that we're going to be learning what our abilities are. He also said something that caught my attention, that....we aren't the only ones summon to this world.
I've got a really bad feeling about...... and as soon as I was thinking that.

"What the hell is this trash doing here!!!"

"I thought you said only the best get chosen so what's the meaning of this".


Nerve racking isn't it. Do you like it so far?

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