•Part 1•

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The halls were empty, not a person was around. I guess I felt relieved, I couldn't face frustrating students at 7am. That was until the bell rang, my watch must've been slow because I was suddenly ambushed by crowds of people.

It was the beginning of a new day and a new term. I was a teacher. And I was late.

"Welcome back all!" I shouted through the hallway, trying to disguise the fact I was over an hour late.

"You're looking fine today miss," I heard odd comments here and there from the groups of lads who purposely stood in the way of the doors.

Eventually I'd managed to push my way through them and rushed into my form room where I was quick to shut the door. That was the worst part of the day over with.

"I see you were late this morning," the teacher from the classroom opposite popped his head round the corner of my door with a grin on his face.

"It's been one of those mornings," I rolled my eyes playfully and hugged the friendly figure.

"A supply covered your class this morning but you've got your next class in less than ten minutes," he warned me before tapping my shoulder and leaving me to prepare for my first lesson of the term.


"Miss, you're fit,"

"Can I have your autograph?"

"I'd have you in my bed anyday,"

"Miss you should wear even shorter skirts,"

After a long and exhausting lesson filled with hundreds of inappropriate comments, the bell rang. I flopped back onto my chair and took a deep breath. One missed, one done and three to go. First... break time!

"Coffee?" The English teacher from upstairs entered my classroom.

"Can you really tell?" I mumbled and threw my head into my arms on my desk.

"Just by that reaction you've told me everything, your last class that bad?" She handed me a hot mug of coffee and perched onto the edge of the desk.

"If by bad you mean being asked ten times by Mitchell if I'd had sex over the term break then yeah I guess you could say that," I chuckled and took a long lasting sip of my coffee.

"That boy never grows up," she replied.

Mitchell was the school badboy. I guess you could say he was the most popular boy in the school, but for all the bad reasons. He smoked, did every drug you could think of and drank every weekend meaning he came into school hungover. Monday's had always been his head on the desk day which resulted in extended school hours in my classroom. He slept through that most of the time but keeping him away from the bad choices he could possibly make at home made it worth the extra hours.

"I'm loving this, hey Pete, Miss Hamilton is getting it on with Miss Allor!" We were interrupted by the one and only himself, Mitch.

"What can I do for you Mitchell?" I glared at Mitchell who was raising his eyebrows.

"And I'm married thankyou very much Mr Cobes!" Mrs Allor shouted back at him.

"Nothing miss just wanted to come and see you in that skirt again," he smirked at me, frowned at Mrs Allor and then left the scene again.

"I can't imagine how his parents cope with him," Mrs A chuckled.

"They don't." I stated. "His dads this big business man who spends his life working abroad and then his mother went out of the picture about two years ago, a drug addict i've heard."

"Now I see why he is how he is," she couldn't help but laugh.

"I feel sorry for the boy," I looked at her seriously.

"Well you would." She raised a brow but before I could reply the bell alarmed us that our next lesson was to start. Lucky save.

I shuffled around on my desk in reach for the lined paper and prepared for my next few classes. I needed this day to be over already.


The bell sounded for the last time at 4:00pm. Unlike my normal routine of staying behind an hour to tidy my classroom, going to the supermarket to grab any small bits required for my evening meal and doing my daily workout, I drove straight home and plummeted onto my sofa which I refused to move off of. 

"You can do it," the words played over and over as my supposedly encouraging alarm went off, informing me it was time to start my workout.

Being at school and having to cope with that was a big enough workout for me for the day. I flicked the sound button on my iPhone so it set to silence.

It wasn't long till I myself had gone silent, if only I could go back in time to the day the school broke up and relive the term break all over again.

In my dreams.


Author's note;
First Part finished! It'll come together more as time goes on so don't worry if you ain't got your head around it yet x


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