Chapter 9: Friends?

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"I'm so tired!" Taehyung groaned as we turned into the busy hallway. It Monday again, and we just arrived at school. We had to catch the bus since Jin wasn't able to drive us today. I was walking behind Taehyung as Jungkook turned around, startling both Taehyung and I. "Hey," Jungkook exclaimed as though he just realised something," when's the wedding?"

"Huh?" Jimin questioned.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Our parents' wedding! Duh!" Jungkook half yelled, making a weird face and drawing some attention from passing student. Not that he wasn't before. I hate being the centre of attention, in any circumstance, but I guess I need to get used to this. How can they just walk in the middle of the hallway with multiple eyes on them all at once? I remained quiet. Everyone ended up ignoring poor Jungkook's question, continuing to walk in silence. I know that as soon as we enter our classroom, Jungkook is going to start complaining non-stop about how we all ignored him. I sighed at the realisation, walking a bit faster. I'm eager to get to class today. I really want to talk to Momo. Ever since the little conversation we had over text, I could tell Momo wanted to ask me about her question that I half dodged. I wanted to tell her yesterday but, because of Jimin, I didn't get the chance to.

As I walk quickly to my classroom, I heard footsteps jogging up behind me. I turned. He smiled. "Hi Jimin." I said carelessly and kept walking.

"I haven't seen you since yesterday." The redhead teased. I knew exactly what he was implying, but I didn't answer. I kept walking, minding my own business. "You're going the wrong way!" Jimin called after me. I quickly turned and followed Jungkook. I slightly glanced at Jimin, who was a smiling dork at this point. Luckily, I saw the sign that had 'Class 2.1' written on it. I internally jumped with joy and ran inside.

There were already a few people as I entered. They were either talking amongst themselves, or finishing some homework they were to lazy to do in their own time. I looked over to the far side of the classroom and found Momo sitting at her desk. It seemed like she was in deep thought, so I took my time to get to her. I put my back on my desk, the noise drawing Momo out of her thoughts. She looked up at me and smiled, I did the same. "Good morning!" She greeted happily. I chuckled at her strange attitude.

"Why are you so happy today? And what were you thinking about before?" I asked. She sheepishly smiled up at me, making he even more curious and confused then I already was. I tilted my head. "Just tell me already!" I blurted out impatiently. "Okay, okay!" She laughed.

"So you know how I had to leave early yesterday?" I nodded. "My parents called me home to tell me that they were leaving for a business trip or something in like 3 weeks!" Momo grinned widely, as if she was proud of something.


"And," she began," when they leave, I'll have the whole house to myself for the next month!" She squealed, jumping out of her chair. I shook my head at her since she was gaining attention from other classmates. "Sit down!" I scolded. Momo quickly obeyed, scrambling to her chair. "Aren't you happy!?" She squealed. "We can have endless sleepovers. Did I mention that they'll be away for school break?" I gave her a questioning look.

"They will?"

"Yes, they will!" She exclaimed. "This term is a short one, so we only have like... 9 weeks or something."

"But if they are leaving in 3 weeks, and they'll be away for a month, that means they'll come back in the last week of school." A shocked and saddened expression formed on Momo's face. I found leaning against the desk a little uncomfortable, so I sat down at my desk. Momo moved her chair around so she was facing me. "Why do you have to be such a math freak?"

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